South Island Adventures - PaisleyJade

South Island Adventures

By PaisleyJade - Monday, October 12, 2020

We have recently returned from a stunning South Island Adventure!  This was a first time journey to the South Island for Symon (believe it or not!!), and was so beautiful.

Our awesome friends in Whangarei asked Symon to marry them in Invercargille a while ago and we have been so looking forward to this trip.   With the ups and downs of Covid, things have seemed up in the air for a while there, so it was so good to finally be able to travel down and have the best week.

Our son and daughter in law were married on the eve of lockdown (see here), and while most of their wedding plans were cancelled and able to be reimbursed, their honeymoon flights and hotel stays were not able to be refunded, so thankfully they were able to use these while also attending the wedding.  We were lucky enough to be gifted a few of their hotel night bookings that they were unable to use as well, which meant after the wedding, we met up in Queenstown for a few fun days exploring this beautiful place.

Highlights of the trip were...

The views flying in and out of the South Island.  Stunning!

Our trip to Milford Sound!

We took a day long bus trip to Milford Sound which included stops at some of the smaller townships along the way, a guided bus tour and a boat trip out on the water including lunch.  A must see place in New Zealand - absolutely glorious!

It was so good to see places where many famous movies have been filmed as well, including Lord of the Rings etc.

The Milford Sounds 😍

And of course, one of the highlights was seeing our amazing friends Stephen & Rachael get married. A beautiful wedding, and so lovey to see so many of our Whangarei friends there too.

Photo courtesy of Stephen Garton (@acornphotographycinema)...

Our crew...

We checked out the Bluff but it was wet and dull!  Still awesome to be able to say we have been at both ends of NZ!

Other highlights included checking out places like Goldfield's Mining Centre, Arrow Town, Below Zero Ice Bar and more!  

We can't wait to visit again and bring the rest of our family.  I've already started my own "must do list" for next time.  I'm so thankful that with only a short flight away, we have stunning places like this in our backyard in New Zealand.

And super special being able to have some special time with these kids. xoxo

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