So much has been happening lately - so much! I think it's time for a little summary of things I'm loving lately.
We've been on a few adventures lately, including a group of us girls heading to Sistas conference...
Our time of regular road trips up to Kerikeri will be ending soon with our youngest braces treatment complete. We recently made the most of the commute and explored a few areas while up there...
Then just recently had her braces removed! Such a difference as you can see from the before and afters. Also needed to wait around while they made her retainers, so explored the area a bit more...
There's been cake tasting in preparation for next year's wedding...
And a roadtrip to explore the wedding location again...
There's been cake tasting in preparation for next year's wedding...

And a roadtrip to explore the wedding location again...
Church life has been super busy with so much going on.
Heaps of exciting things like a new church plant in Scotland for Renew Church! We love the amazing couple Steve & Charis Mcleish leading this exciting adventure in Scotland...
Heaps of exciting things like a new church plant in Scotland for Renew Church! We love the amazing couple Steve & Charis Mcleish leading this exciting adventure in Scotland...
While Steven & Charis were over they spoke at church and The Party (our monthly youth service). The theme was Carnival and it was such an amazing night with so many young peoples lives changed!
As a church we were so excited to be a part of the first ever A21 Walk for Freedom in Whangarei! Around 100 people gathered to walk through the town Centre to raise awareness of human trafficking in the 21st century. This is such an important fight that people need to be aware of. Check out A21 for more info here.
That same weekend I spoke at church and it was actually hilarious as I was speaking about Surviving the Mess, and my week had been on of the messyiest weeks in a while including this happening to me...
Everyday life has been filled with so many ups and downs, but I'm making a determined effort to focus on the ups as I walk prayerfully through the downs. So much to celebrate with the amazing friends and family around us...
And school for our two seniors if over! Just exams to finish sitting now then that will be it. Another son finished school for good - just had to do a first day comparison with last day. So cute!
As always, so much to celebrate and be thankful for!
Thanks for your comments... I love hearing from you!!!