I'm long overdue for a lately post! So much has happened in the past couple of months including our eldest son getting engaged which is so exciting! We've also been through a very difficult time as a family with Symon's mum in hospital... so there has been a lot of tears and our hearts have ached, but life goes on despite and there have been many things to be thankful for during this time. So as we take one day at a time, here are some of the things we are so thankful for...
Our son is engaged! You may have noticed a beautiful young lady turning up in the blog posts and my Instagram over the past wee while. Well Jasher & Monique are engaged now and we are looking forward to their wedding next year! We love having Monique as a part of our family already! You can check out his cute proposal here.
My Dad had a gathering of friends and family for his 70th and I'm so glad I got some photos of all the immediate fam...
Symon and I recently celebrated 23 years married. Love this guy so much.
There have been visits to beautiful places...
Recently our church took a large group down to attend Life conference in Auckland. We had an amazing time together and enjoyed guest speakers like Kim Walker-Smith, Charlotte Gambill, Joel Holm etc. We even had time to squeeze in visiting Hello Friends & Allies & Kelly Tarlton's on the way home..
Delicious things have been created... and consumed...

We joined the gym! Watch this space... 😂
And finally, our youngest has started playing netball. None of our other kids have ever played netball before, so it was so much fun to watch her first game and see her team win 14 to 6! So proud - she played so well for a beginner!
So much to be thankful for in every season.
Thanks for your comments... I love hearing from you!!!