Lately things around these parts have been rather full on, so much so that I've been forgetting things (always a sign for myself that I need some time out). Last Saturday I took my kids to two different events and BOTH TIMES I took them to the wrong locations! Seriously... it wasn't funny at the time.
Some days you just have to breathe, thank God for his mercies (which are new every morning), and start the next day with a fresh slate.
Keeping a thankful heart helps too... no matter how crazy life is, there is always something to be thankful for.
So here we go!
Thankful for our son's first time going to a ball. He looked rather dashing if I do say so myself. I'm also super thankful we actually got him to the right location for the ball in the end! 😂
Really looking forward to seeing the professional ball photos!
Also cracking up at his instagram post that night...
Loving that our youngest has finally learnt how to crochet! Being a fellow lefty made it heaps easier to teach her. Her current project... a blanket for the kittens we are going to get (one day when our old cat dies 😂😂). As you can see in the photo below, Barney the old cat is blissfully unaware of these plans...
Last weekend the kids from our church had the awesome opportunity of joining with Bethel Church NZ's amazing idea to help our local Mayor sweep our beautiful Hatea Loop. There was a great bunch of kids that turned out, and our Boo even won a 3rd place prize for being a "living broom". Our Mayor seemed to think Boo was rather sweet..
We've celebrated a tonne of birthdays here lately (our oldest son turned 19, as well as Symon & my mum celebrating their birthdays). Thankful for a whole group of lovely family and friends we get to do life with.

Captured this shot of my Dad photographing a beautiful sunset on the way home from my cousins engagement party. Love my Dad and love his photos!
Loving tasting the best ham & pea soup I've ever had recently at The Rusty Tractor Cafe in Kerikeri. Soooooo yum!
Super thankful for this girl who participate in the 40 Hour Famine recently and raised $340 by not talking for 40 hours! *utter bliss for us I tell you!
Loving crochet - enough said.
Although it's super challenging at times, I'm loving and thankful for the opportunity to be a pastor with my hubby and see amazing people's lives changed. ❤️
After a knee injury from running, I've become sooooo unfit! So excited to finally get back on the bike (haha - pun intended) and start using Symon's Electra Townie bike to get fit again. So much fun and so good for mental health getting those endorphins going.
So excited and thankful that our church is finally going to have great coffee! Our team is training hard and we are looking forward to selling delicious Merito Coffee soon!
Every year, all the kids in New Zealand look forward to their schools annual Cross Country - just kidding! Some kids do, but most don't. My kids were busy counting down how many cross country races they had left in their life.
This year I was so thankful my Dad came along and took photos of most of the kids in the whole school, including mine. So good!
Seriously though... Anyone agree?! 😂
Finally, still loving my letterboard... and so thankful for humour. Its what keeps me sane!
For more Loving/Lately/Thankful posts, click here.