A couple of days ago we celebrated 21 years of marriage... and many years of various hair styles as well!
A couple of weeks ago we celebrated early by travelling to Auckland for the night and seeing Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) playing with a live orchestra in the Civic Theatre! It was an awesome experience and the Civic is such a beautiful theatre.
Of course we made time for Bubble Tea, catching up with special friends, feeding the local birds, and most importantly of all, visiting my Dad and Mum while my Dad is being treated in Auckland Hospital.

No trip to Auckland is complete with a little visit to one of Bluebells Cakery's stores!

These past 21 years have flown by, but when I take a moment to look back at different stages it seems like worlds of adventures and memories stacked together to make a crazy collage of married life.
I am so thankful to God that I met this amazing guy all those years ago.
Love you so much Mr Symon Burton Drake!!
Happy Anniversary! We've been married 22 years. In some ways it seems like a lifetime ago when I think about the first few years, and in other ways it seems to have flown by. Looks like you had a fun day celebrating.
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