Getting Back on the Bike

By PaisleyJade - Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Can you believe it's nearly the end of January?  

By now, most people's New Year resolution posts on Facebook and Instagram have died down.  I've never really been a New Year resolution type of girl - probably because I know myself rather well... I'm 'all go' for the first few weeks or months, but by the time it gets to the middle of the year, I've fallen off the resolution bike, and can't even remember what my goals for the year were anyway (or which bike was mine)!

Goals are great - if we didn't have goals or routine, we would have nothing to aim for.  The Bible talks a lot about goals and pressing on - God is into goals.  But another thing I know God is also into is second chances. 

I've been pondering New Year resolutions, and the tendency people can have to feel so stink and guilty when their resolutions fall apart.

While a fresh new year is exciting and beautiful - like a clean slate... a tidy house... or the dishes fresh from the dishwasher (but not mine because it has cleaning issues at the moment), I've been reminded about how powerful a fresh new day is.

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."   Lamentations 3:22-23 

Whether you struggle to keep on track or battle with feeling like a bit of a loser, or are too afraid to aim for anything at all, may you be reminded today that God is on your side, He's got your back and He has just enough grace for you for this day.  Tomorrow is a fresh new start, with mercy and strength for that day.

My New Year resolution for 2017 is going to be to keep getting back on that bike when I fall off... because I realise I'm not perfect and there will be times when I fall (and if you've seen me trip in public, my falls aren't very graceful).

As the well known saying goes, "It's not how many times you fall down, it's how many times you get back up".

May your 2017 be a year of second chances, of renewed hopes and dreams, of daring to step past those comfort zones, and most of all, a year where you give yourself and those around you second chances, remembering that there is new grace for each new day.

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