Ambrosia - PaisleyJade


By PaisleyJade - Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Ambrosia is a classic Kiwi dessert favourite!  Apart from being extremely easy to make, the thing most people love about Ambrosia is the fact that you can make a wide variety of flavours and combinations, depending on what fruit is in season, or what you have available in the cupboard. Imagine Strawberry ambrosia with chopped white chocolate and shortbread crumbs or Blueberry ambrosia with milk chocolate pieces or Apricot ambrosia - drool!  The choices are endless - have fun.

To start, think up the kind of flavour you'd like to make, then follow the simple recipe base below to create this delicious dessert.

  • 500 mls of cream.
  • 1 litre of yogurt (choose flavoured yoghurt to compliment your fruit)
  • Fruit (a can of fruit with most of the juice drained or you can use fresh fruit (1-2 cups chopped) ie. blue berries, strawberries.  Frozen fruit works fine as well).
  • 1 bag marshmallows (whole or chopped).
  • 3/4 block large chocolate or 2-3 small bars (get creative here with either white/milk/dark chocolate or you can use other novalty bars like moro, cherry ripe, flake etc).
  • You can also add other items like crumbed biscuits, etc.

Whip the cream until soft peaks form, then fold in all of the yoghurt.
Stir in your chopped fruit, marshmallows and chopped chocolate/biscuits (can save some for garnishing later).

Chill for 2-3 hours in a large bowl or separate dessert bowls/glasses, and before serving garnish with more chopped chocolate, or a swirl of berry juice.


For more delicious recipes visit here.

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