The Bearded One had made a promise a few weeks back (during the school holidays) to take his girls on a Daddy Daughter date. The weeks had come and gone and still no date had happened.
Finally the moment was grabbed and the 3 of them had a wonderful time.
It's so important as parents that we take time out with our kids, to really listen, talk, and listen once again. Life goes by so fast - yes, the days are long, but boy do the years fly by.
Apparently Symon had his ear talked off (poor guy) but I know good memories were made.
Time out with your kids doesn't need to be costly - just making the time to listen and focus on these wee precious souls is what's important, as well as making memories. Making memories together gives a sense of belonging - essential to a healthy family.
This Daddy Daughter date was a $21 date. A pretty good price for 3 people and a lot of fun...
Shared bowl of hot chips at Fat Camel $6
3 sundaes at Kiwi Yo $11
2 pots of pansy flowers for the girls to take home ($2 each)
Walk to Parihaka Summit (free)
A pretty good price for a priceless morning with his girls!
These things just sometimes need to be made to happen, as life has a way of squeezing the important things out by demanding that the urgent (yet sadly not always the most important) take priority. I dare you to do it - reassess what is important in your life, and make sure that it is nourished.
These things just sometimes need to be made to happen, as life has a way of squeezing the important things out by demanding that the urgent (yet sadly not always the most important) take priority. I dare you to do it - reassess what is important in your life, and make sure that it is nourished.
Thanks for your comments... I love hearing from you!!!