The Bearded One had made a promise a few weeks back (during the school holidays) to take his girls on a Daddy Daughter date. The weeks had come and gone and still no date had happened.
Finally the moment was grabbed and the 3 of them had a wonderful time.
It's so important as parents that we take time out with our kids, to really listen, talk, and listen once again. Life goes by so fast - yes, the days are long, but boy do the years fly by.
Apparently Symon had his ear talked off (poor guy) but I know good memories were made.
Time out with your kids doesn't need to be costly - just making the time to listen and focus on these wee precious souls is what's important, as well as making memories. Making memories together gives a sense of belonging - essential to a healthy family.
This Daddy Daughter date was a $21 date. A pretty good price for 3 people and a lot of fun...
Shared bowl of hot chips at Fat Camel $6
3 sundaes at Kiwi Yo $11
2 pots of pansy flowers for the girls to take home ($2 each)
Walk to Parihaka Summit (free)
A pretty good price for a priceless morning with his girls!
These things just sometimes need to be made to happen, as life has a way of squeezing the important things out by demanding that the urgent (yet sadly not always the most important) take priority. I dare you to do it - reassess what is important in your life, and make sure that it is nourished.
These things just sometimes need to be made to happen, as life has a way of squeezing the important things out by demanding that the urgent (yet sadly not always the most important) take priority. I dare you to do it - reassess what is important in your life, and make sure that it is nourished.
These Apricot Truffles are so delicious! Love this simple recipe from "A Good Baking Day" (Jean Taylor) and the fact that these keep so well in the fridge.
20 or more dried apricots
100 grams butter
½ can sweetened condensed milk
1 packet wine biscuits, crushed
Coconut for coating
Finely chop or mince apricots.
Blend together butter and condensed milk over a low heat, being careful not to burn mixture. Remove from heat and add apricots. Mi well, then pour into crushed biscuits. Mix well.
Roll into balls and coat with coconut. Keep in the fridge - will last for weeks.
For more delicious recipes visit here.
With babies being born to friends, and a certain wee girl who has been begging for her own softie bunny for ages, a batch of softies was due to be made.
I so love the different fabrics - the red soft fabric with bobbles is a favourite, and a lovely friend (thanks Leonie!) sent me up some candlewick beadspread fabric to recycle as well.
My little Miss with her softie named "Berry Mint".
With such a crazy couple of weeks, it was nice to find a moment to have some craft therapy.