All my love to the mum's out there! Yesterday we celebrated Mother's Day, and on days like this I feel so blessed to be a mum with my four sweet babies (they will always be my babies, even if they are taller than me!).
Our church loves to celebrate Women on Mother's Day, and it was such an amazing day! Hubby preach an awesome word, beautiful babies were dedicated, the stage looked amazing (thanks Liz!) and there even was a photo booth for mum's and families to have pics together.

On Mother's Day my heart always goes out to those Mum's who are doing it alone, those that no longer have their Mum's around, those who dream of being Mum's but aren't, and those Mum's that have lost their precious children/babies. So often there can be a lot of pain around this day - so I pray you experience God's peace and a sense of hope.
So, all my love to you mums, especially my precious Mum and Mum-in-law - 2 lovely ladies I am so blessed to have in my life.
p.s. Here's a clip we played at church yesterday that I loved...
Thanks for sharing that clip...looks like you had a great Mother's Day
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