Lately... - PaisleyJade


By PaisleyJade - Tuesday, March 04, 2014


There has been a lot happening around here lately - time for a quick update me thinks!

Last weekend, Symon and I went to our niece Aimee's wedding (remember her bridal shower here). It was a stunning day and beautiful location up at Carrington Resort on the Karikari Peninsula.  I'm unable to show you any photos of the bridal party at the moment (at the request of the bride and groom), so will entertain you instead with photos of Symon and I in our wedding gears and the beautiful spot where the wedding took place...

Check out this beautiful location!

Hopefully I'll be able to post some photos of the bridal party in the next couple of weeks!

It was so good to catch up with the family on Symon's side while they were here for the wedding, especially my nephew who flew over from Brisbane and spent a bit of time with us.

This guy is super clever when it comes to twisty puzzles and card tricks - his 3x3 cube record is 19 seconds (here's a clip of him showing us how he does it) and we now have 4 children totally inspired to learn how to master this puzzle... the puzzle that I as a child used to peel the stickers off to solve! 

*shame on me 

Apart from all that, we've been doing other normal stuff like more house painting...

*that flyspray was for the wasps that I disturbed while painting.  Symon has a rather large issue with wasps after being chased by a swarm as a kid then getting one stuck in his wetsuit when older.  Yes, ouch.

Getting inspired by God's creation (still can't believe the pollen all over this little guys head AND the fact that these macro shots were taken with my phone!)...

Chilling with precious family - snakes and ladders with her Great Nana...

Making more softies...

And making sure we carve out "us" time in our busy week, even if it's reading free magazines at our local library and using a 2 for the price of 1 coffee voucher!

I've been inspired by these two videos this week: Draw my Life by Strawburry17 and Lupita Nyongo's speech.

There's always good stuff to celebrate.

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  1. Oh thanks for the video links! That's that girl from the Amazing Race!


  2. as always...a lovely visit

    love and light


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