January 2014 - PaisleyJade

Star Wars Cross Stitch

By PaisleyJade - Monday, January 27, 2014
My lovely mum in law got me into cross stitch many years ago (she's done some amazing pieces!), but it's one of those crafts that I've left behind until now.  While browsing Etsy my passion for it was renewed when I stumbled across some of the patterns by from Geeky Stitches Etsy shop.  When crafts like cross stitch and crochet collide with things my husband and kids...

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By PaisleyJade - Friday, January 24, 2014
The school holidays are nearly over, and I've loved every moment of them this year (well, just about).  On Tuesday we will be back into routine, which is nice, but I'm going to miss the slow pace of the holidays, the late nights playing board games with the kids and trips exploring our area. Here are some of the things I've been loving......

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Oven Eggs & Ham

By PaisleyJade - Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Here's a quick brunch I whipped up recently - such a quick idea and easy to add whatever you have in the cupboard/fridge as well. Lightly grease a non-stick muffin tray and line with circles of ham.  Break an egg into each segment (or however many you require) and  then season and add any extras on top.  I added feta, but chopped tomato,...

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Me, My Kids and the World Wide Web

By PaisleyJade - Friday, January 17, 2014
. As a parent these days, not only do you need to learn how to feed, clean and care for your children, but you also need to have completed a thesis on how to navigate the web with your kid.  Unless you want to become Amish, getting a healthy balance and some wise advice in this area is essential for any person, especially...

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By PaisleyJade - Monday, January 13, 2014
First softie for 2014 - hopefully there will be a lot more this year, with a few new designs and ideas. This one is going to a super special home! For more crafty makings, go here.  ...

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Auckland Road Trippin

By PaisleyJade - Friday, January 10, 2014
We went on a bit of a road trip yesterday.  When you've got 4 kids, road trips end up being the cheaper option to going on flash holidays away overseas or to other parts of the country.  We totally dig road trips, and make sure we can squeeze in as much fun as possible when we do go on one. Yesterday's road trip...

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Blackboard Container Labels

By PaisleyJade - Wednesday, January 08, 2014
I use some of my grandmother's retro containers in my kitchen for storing my flour, icing sugar and other baking items.  They've never had proper labels, only some make-do ones I had stuck on with washi tape (they didn't last very long at all). Thanks to the leftover blackboard paint from our Kitchen Renovation, and some inspirational images via Pinterest, I decided to...

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Coconut Pudding

By PaisleyJade - Monday, January 06, 2014
I'm a sucker for simple milk puddings, and this one went down well with the family a couple of nights ago.  I also loved the fact that I had all the ingredients in my pantry! Ingredients 1 tablespoon Sugar 1 tablespoon Flour 1 tablespoon Cornflour 1 tablespoon Golden Syrup 2 tablespoons Coconut 1 Egg 2 cups Hot Milk Mix all ingredients except milk...

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By PaisleyJade - Friday, January 03, 2014
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.   Here are a few things I am loving at the moment... I'm loving freshening up spaces around the home... like adding this map (on special from Typo) to our dining room.  Not only am...

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