Loving... - PaisleyJade


By PaisleyJade - Saturday, October 05, 2013

Here are a few of the things I'm loving at the moment...

Loving trying to get back into some exercise BEFORE Christmas hits, rather than afterwards like last year. p.s. Boo is not loving it!

Loving the cuteness overload when our youngest did a song with her class at assembly recently...

*Warning* Look away now if rat tails make you feel squeamish!

Loving this photo of our girl with Daddy's pet rats...

Loving this recent blog post by Kelly (from Kelly's Korner) about faithfulness versus fame.

End of term dress up fun...

Loving my quick 80's salad - very retro indeed with celery, apples, pineapple chunks and cheese chunks mixed together with dressing.  I didn't have too many excited faces with this atdinner time, but I enjoyed it.

Loving getting the chance to visit a baby donkey recently.  So soft and cute!

Lastly, loving that this slow adapter, took the risk to try a change with her hair.  I've always been a blonde, so deciding to go brown was a bit of a risk but I'm enjoying the change!



The great thing about hair is that it can be changed and does grow back!  Phew!

Joining in with the loving over here...

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  1. Oh I love your new look Kristy! So much to love in life but especially during the holidays ~ a little jealous here ;)

  2. Loving your new hair do! It really suits you

  3. Go you gorgeous brown-haired gal. A change is always good even if just for a little while! Not sure I could cope with having rats on me...shudder xx

  4. You can totally pull off BOTH colours :-) + Cute donkey!!

  5. I might not recognise you!
    Ew rats!
    Yay old school salad. Im gonna try your kiwi fruit steak trick this summer

  6. Loving the hair!!
    And that salad looks soo yum!!! What dressing did you use?


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