
Still mining for the good stuff...

By PaisleyJade - Monday, August 05, 2013

It was just a week ago that I wrote this post about Mining for Gold... and from that night onwards our family entered into a week of sickness, where to be honest, all thoughts of mining for gold disappeared as we tended to vomiting children and even one adult (me!!). 

After only a few hours sleep last night, instead of looking bright eyed and bushy tailed like the photo above, rather I feel and probably look somewhat like this photo of our dog Boo below:

As a fresh week begins with yet another victim struck down with this horrible bug, I did have a slight snigger as I re-read last week's post, but guess what?  What I said still stands.

Despite the dark days of sickness lately, there is still so much good stuff to be grateful for.  I'm learning that gratefulness and contentment isn't reliant on my circumstances, but on my attitude.

And guess what?  No matter what is going down in your neck of the woods, I bet if you look hard enough, you too will find some gold, even if only tiny fragments.

So here is some of the stuff I'm grateful for:

Crochet - a hobby that also doubles as a way to warm my family (and it's also my stress relief!)...

This amazing family - each child is so different, precious and funny...

Grateful for my six year old's pictures and stories.  This one is a picture of Jesus with orange hair....

Boo in pants... just cause its funny...

This guy just because he keeps me laughing and balances me out in a way that only he could...

Let's not forget the good things...

"Let all that I am praise the Lord, may I never forget the good things He does for me" Psalm 103:2

Joining in with The Grateful Project.

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  1. hope you guys get better soon!

  2. sounds like a gross week xx

  3. Hope your all 100% real soon! Awesome post, great reminder to be grateful for the small things (that are actually the big things!)

  4. Awesome post Kristy, hope you all get better soon! I love how in the midst of a yuck time you are still so positive and grateful! X

  5. Oh wow Kristy, gosh your photos made me laugh! I just had to pin this post. Love you guys HEAPS and it made me smile that you sniggered when you read your pre-puke post.... and then comes the chance to test the theory! So true. You're awesome.
    (And so is Ginger Jesus)

  6. A great reminder that we have so much to be thankful about even amongst spew bugs etc! Man Boo makes me laugh! Shes lovely xxx

  7. Ya poor thing! Glad you still managed to find gold!


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