Ripple W.I.P. - PaisleyJade

Ripple W.I.P.

By PaisleyJade - Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I've got a large list of things in my brain that I'd love to be creating at the moment, yet alas, the only thing I actually have any time for is my current crochet WIP (work in progress) - my fluro ripple blanket.

Thankfully crochet is the type of hobby that you can take anywhere with you and add a few stitches here and there.  This blanket is slow going, but at least it is growing, even if at a snails pace.

Keen to try making your own ripple blanket?  This is the pattern I'm using here, the Cheery Wave Ripple Blanket over at Meet Me at Mikes!

p.s. I had a quick look at my Flickr group "Craft Nerds Going Public" and the recent pictures are so funny you just have to have a look!  Make sure you join in with your pictures of yourself or friends crafting in public!

For more crafty makings go here.

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  1. Love your ripple blanket, the colours are so vibrant! I am also making a blanket so can really apprieciate the slow going.

  2. Love it - so pretty. Thanks heaps for the pattern.

  3. I absolutely love those craft nerd photos. Fantastic. Your blanket is lovely too. Cx

  4. love your colors! your crocheting is always inspiring :)

  5. Love that pattern so cool!

  6. its gorgeous Kristy!! love the bright neon!
    And the 'Twirlz' at the Craft nerd photos is AWESOME!!!!!!!!

  7. You are so clever! Love the neon colours x

  8. I love this, makes me want to learn

  9. c' est super sympa le point vague aussi bien aux aiguilles qu' aux crochet j' ai fais les deux c' est super ton début est très prometteur bon courage a bientôt biz

  10. I can imagine that this project is getting old with only two colors and it's size, but it is totally worth it. Love the bright colors. It's gorgeous!


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