Pink & Grey Granny Square Blanket - PaisleyJade

Pink & Grey Granny Square Blanket

By PaisleyJade - Monday, June 10, 2013

Here is the official reveal of the Pink & Grey Grannysquare blanket that I made especially for my Mum's birthday yesterday! 

The colours were chosen by my Mum, very similar to the Grannysquare Poncho I made a couple of years ago for one of my daughters.

The finishing of this blanket was down to the last couple of hours, finishing late the night before Mum's birthday - but it was so worth it!  I love the soft colours, the different patterns and knowing that Mum loves it!

There is something super special about making something to give to a person you love.

We couldn't do a final blanket post without the official funny pic, and my eldest daughter wanted to join in as well...

To check out my other finished crochet blankets below, click here!

For more crafty makings, go here 
Joining in with Matariki Crafting here.

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  1. Wow - it looks fabulous. Crochet is something I just can't get my head around, so I am envious of those who can. Both you and your daughter are very colour coordinated for the photo shoot. Always nice to make for others isn't it, especially when you know they appreciate the time and effort that has gone into it.

  2. thats beautiful, Im learning to crochet but I keep forgetting where im at!

  3. Symon9:26 am

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  4. Anonymous10:00 am

    I can't believe your mum is 60!! Wow, she looks so young!! Beejay

  5. Beautiful! Doesn't it feel good to finish a blanket? I love the colors you used. :)

  6. love the blanket also tell your mum from a random blog reader she looks super young and gorgeous!!!

  7. Beautiful!! Way to go!! Such an inspiration :)

  8. I love it! I've always loved the colors you used in that poncho and the blanket is gorgeous in them as well. I love the different combos you did as well. The full squares of one color really balance the mixed ones well.

  9. Anonymous11:12 pm

    ohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ♥♥♥♥ i am in luvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ♥♥

    hugs jenneke

  10. The colours make for one gorgeous blanket.

  11. I love the blanket. Its beautiful.

  12. Its AMAZING Kristy! Love in a blanket!
    A wonderful wonderful gift that will no doubt be cherished for years to come. Well done getting it finished on time.

  13. Anonymous5:10 pm

    Gorgeous blanket! Pink and gray look great together!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ Submarine Sunday Link Party

  14. beautiful blanket! Love the colours!

  15. I really love this blanket. Wondering what brand and colors of yarn you used for this. Also where did you get the pattern for the squares?

    1. Hi Dana! I just used basic acrylic yarn that I think is out of production now sorry. The basic granny square is what I use, the pattern is widely available online. :)


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