Today, one of the most special and important people in my life turns 60 years old!
This lady has always been a very precious person to me - my Mum, my close friend, a wonderful Nana, the one I've laughed with (and sometimes at), cried with and always known was there for me and our family.
We've been through lots Mum, and even as a child I knew you were someone who I could rely on and someone who would be honest, real and loving.
I know I was a handful to raise (there were many slammed doors and lots of yelling from me, believe it or not) but thankfully this lady chose to be patient with me (and not strangle me) and guide me along the path of life. She not only taught me about my amazing God, but she showed me Him through her life and love, and when she slipped up she was honest enough to admit it (not that I can think of any thing specific Mum... except maybe that time you and Dad sold our pet rabbits without telling us...).
Here's a massive happy birthday to you - you still look super young and I know there are many, many exciting and adventure filled years ahead.
Happy birthday to an amazing lady - the lady I have the privilege to call my Mum.
p.s. Yesterday I organised a little surprise for my Mum, gathering some of her close girlfriends for morning tea at a local cafe. It was so lovely to all be together celebrating my Mum, many of these friends of her's having had massive influence on my life since I was a child.
What an awesome celebration of your lovely mum!
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