. For us as a family, Easter isn't about chocolate or bunny rabbits or chickens or eggs... it's about the greatest act of LOVE that the world has ever known. "We love because God first loved us." I John 4:19 Take a moment to watch and listen to the clip below - you are so loved and so valuable to God. ...

Banana Fritters - aka "the frazzled mum meal", or the "what in the world am I going to do with all of those brown bananas" solution, and the list could go on. These fritters are delicious, reasonably healthy, easy to make and everyone's best friend. So here is the how to for Banana Fritters (feeds approximately two people, and you can double/triple the...

. This last weekend was super busy but really awesome. I tagged along with Symon to Auckland on Friday, and was left to shop while he went off on a work engagement. I joined him later for lunch and we headed off to a couple of other appointments he had, one which thankfully was right near to "Little and Friday", a café I've had...

Prepare yourself for Drake family photo overload... Yep, family shots are great... must remember to do this more often. ...

Next weekend, Symon and I are going to the wedding of an awesome couple from our church. It is a vintage themed wedding, with everyone encouraged to dress in vintage style clothing for the occasion... think braces and cheese cutter caps for the guys, and vintage dresses and fascinators for the girls. On a side note: I don't know about you, but when...

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is. Here's a whole lot of random loving (Instagram styles because I'm too lazy to get my proper camera out) from my week - looking on the bright side of things, because this week I...

I recently did a bit of experimentation in the kitchen and came up with this delicious slice - a mixture of another slice recipe, but seriously, the coconut ice icing makes this amazing! The best thing about this slice is that it's a "no bake" slice. I'm all for that! Ingredients (Base) 4 oz (100g) butter 4 oz sugar 1 beaten egg 1 pkt...

It was the weekend of parties this last weekend. Friday night, our good friend had his 30th at a local restaurant - the food was so good and the company was fabulous! Cutest birthday poem ever! On Saturday, another precious friend turned 21, but alas, I was feeling unwell all day Saturday and had to stay home - missing the most amazing party...