Loving - Instagram Styles

By PaisleyJade - Thursday, February 21, 2013

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening
in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for...
no matter how simple it is.  

Here's a wee bit of loving from my week, Instagram styles...

Loving my boy and his pet rat "Amelia".  We won't talk about Symon and how he also got himself a pet rat called "Bambi"...

Loving free dental care for all children under 18 in New Zealand (and the fact that none of my kids have needed fillings yet - yipee!!)...

Pre-dental check up teeth brushing in carpark 

Loving leftover birthday cake...

And Russian dolls with staches...

Loving accidental earth cupcakes...

And loving napping husbands (p.s. have you checked out #husbandnaps on instagram lately?).

 Loving coffee and sushi dates with my hubby (when he's awake)...

And finally, still loving running at least 2 miles a day (#mileaday on instagram) and trying to come up with ideas for my #mileaday photo!!

Yes, so much to love - join in with other people's loving here.

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  1. loving your loving post Kristy! and love seeing your pics on IG.
    {hugs} my friend

  2. tee hee, those were fun!

  3. Anonymous9:52 am

    Love your positive attitude towards life :-)

    Cheered me up on an overwhelming day after work and grocery shopping and handling two kids.

  4. I always love your shots on Instagram! And very proud of you for doing the #mileaday - Well done! <3

  5. My daughter has Instagram on her Ipod and I'm so jealous! Love those earth cupcakes......how did you manage that, they look great!

  6. Those earth cupcakes look awesome, accidental or not. You are brave to have a rat in the house *shudder*. Love seeing your pics even if I already get a sneak peek on IG first :-)

  7. Those napping husband photos are so good...he is such a good sport. xx

  8. You are brave to have a rat in the free instagram followers house *shudder*. Love seeing your pics even i


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