Let's Paartaay! - PaisleyJade

Let's Paartaay!

By PaisleyJade - Saturday, February 16, 2013

Today was party day (cause this year is paartaay year people!).

We don't usually do McDonald parties (in fact this was our very first ever), but with it being an extremely busy time in our lives at the moment, and our lovely girl being super keen for one, we said, "why not" - and it was fab.

Only a few special friends and precious grandparents were invited (let's face it, with 3 siblings you automatically have an instant crowd) and they all had tonnes of fun.

The cake - a combined effort by Symon and I... he is the idea guy/creative genius, and I'm the cake baking /icing girl.  It's amazing what a few LPS toys do - and one great big iceburg number 6!

This wee girl is our baby - and our baby is now six!!  Crazy huh?  Long gone are the baby years, nursing, sleepless nights (except on birthday morning when we had the 2am and 5:30am wakeups for present opening time), nappies, baby proofing the house, toilet training and the rest.  I don't miss it - it's been a long journey through, but I do think fondly back on those years.  They were hard years but precious, and all parents going through those years deserve a good pat on the back.  

Bring on the adventures to come, school, teenagers and the like - I'm looking forward to this new stage (eeek - help us Lord!).

This little lady is a precious bright spark in our family - what you'd call a free spirit, with a wild sense of humour.

Can't wait to see what things are in store in this life for her!

p.s. Aren't my 3 guys sweet!?!

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  1. looks like an awesome day

  2. What a wonderful day, your kiddies are gorgeous!

  3. gorgeous beautiful family.
    And happy birthday to your sweet girlie. Can't beleive she's SIX already!!

  4. Wow...they are growing up arent they?? Gorgeous that's for sure! ((love the crazy facials...))... like mummy? lol
    We haven't done a McDonalds party before either, though we did do a chipmunks party once (which was a relief at the time too!). Lots of love xx

  5. awww Happy Birthday little Drake! Love love love that cake and what a beautiful sweet girl!

  6. She's so cute! It's party year for us too....and soon to start :)


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