Plaid Softie Bunny - PaisleyJade

Plaid Softie Bunny

By PaisleyJade - Monday, January 21, 2013

I can't remember the last time I made a softie (just did a quick search on my blog and found out it was this one in April last year!), so it's been fun getting back into softie-making land.

When I'm busy, crafting seems to go out the window - so it's been lovely to get a bit of crafting done these holidays (along with painting the house and weeding the gardens!).

I'm loving this little guy, made totally from recycled vintage fabric (Pop Bill, can you spot some of your old slacks here?).

There are couple more in the pipeline, and I'm hoping to give one away here on the blog soon, so keep your eyes peeled!

For more crafty makings, go here.

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  1. Your own labels and everything! Very cool!

  2. he has character, I like that x

  3. I'm looking for the Buy Now button....

  4. so nice to see the bunnies again!!

  5. Such a CUTE bunny!!!


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