Floral Vintage Softie - PaisleyJade

Floral Vintage Softie

By PaisleyJade - Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Yes, it is official.  I am in love with this floral bunny!

There is one more softie I'm working on at the moment, and then one of these delightful critters is going to be given away here on the blog.


I might just have to put my own name in for the draw.

For previous softies, go here.
For more crafty makings, go here.

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  1. Keen as a bean. LOVE that vintage floral!

  2. it is exactly how I found your blog 2 plus years ago! a softy giveaway. they are very cute. and you are very talented.
    it has been a blessings to read your blog.
    have a blessed rest of the week!

  3. CUUUTEE!! I LOVE it and YES PLEASE for the giveaway .. I LOVE your softies!!

  4. Cute!
    Also, I am wondering where you get your PaisleyJade tags from? I'm keen for some for my own sewing but have no idea where they come from!

  5. wow I love it. Your softie's are amazing!!!

  6. haha this is super cute!

  7. Gorgeous, the colours are so sweet :)

  8. awww so sweet! love it!!

  9. Anonymous1:40 am

    Love it, love it, love it.....this precious softy is a must, I have ordered 2 bubba softies from you in the past and love them. One was a gift for a dear friend of mine who had a baby girl....the other I ordered before my baby girl was born, and now I would love one for myself and this new edition you have lovingly created is absolutely gorgeous Kristy. I'll be in it pllllleeeaaassseeee! Love From Tracey (NSW, Australia)


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