I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.
Things I'm Loving is back!! This week, I'm loving Boo, our sweet and slightly crazy dog.
The old dog that we have managed to teach new tricks to... like 'shake'...
The dog that was scared of water up until a couple of weeks ago! She surprised us all when she waded into the ocean and slowly worked a rock back to the shallows with her feet then picked it up in her mouth...
The dog that is terrified of bridges...
The dog that somehow sneaks herself up onto our bed and next to her master when I'm not around! Check out that naughty grin!!
I do love her (and her spotted belly) to bits.
Here's how you can join in....

A teeny tiny bit of crafting going on around here lately... a few moments grabbed here and there to work on the Retro caravan blanket, and a little cream & brown bunny, made for a friend's precious new bubba.
Sometimes I wish sewing machines were more portable like crochet!
Loving these cute softies here by Sleepy King!.
Loving these cute softies here by Sleepy King!.
Joining in with Our Creative Spaces
Today our Nation stops to remember the brave souls who sacrificed their lives, so that we could live in freedom.
While recently going through some family records (my Dad has an amazing box of old photos, historical family documents etc), we stumbled across an official letter that was sent to one of my family members, letting them know that their son had died while serving as a soldier in WW1. Finding documents like this, brings the reality of ANZAC day home... Mothers and Fathers who's children never returned home.
ANZAC Day = a day to remember and be thankful
p.s. also a day to eat ANZAC biscuits too!
Photo taken on our recent trip to Auckland Museum.
We had such a beautiful weekend. Sometimes my heart feels like bursting because of all of the precious people we know and love and share life with. One of the highlights would be the wedding of a lovely couple at our church. Such an amazing journey they have taken to get to this place, and such a beautiful wedding (yes, I cried!).
Thought I'd also share a few random out-takes from our holiday. Already find myself often day dreaming back to it...
Somehow it seems wrong that these people have surfboards attached permanently to their fence... but it's a pretty cool fence isn't it? Cooler than my fence anyway.
Boo, making sure her master throws back the baby snapper he caught (poor guy - no big fish this time).
Showing off her swimming lesson skills...
Have a wonderful week!!
We've been away on holiday and have just arrived home (I fooled you with my sneaky pre-programmed posts didn't I!).
It was wonderful! Symon and I had a few days all by ourselves (thanks to my awesome Mum) in my Uncle and Aunts beach house, and then the kids came out to join us for the rest of the holiday.
Of course, life with 4 children is never perfect, even when you go away together on holiday, but it was so good to rest, hang out as a family and just be.
We all need time to just BE (oh, and crochet, play board games until the cows came home, eat Tip Top icecreams, sleep in, walk along the beach, watch movies, go fishing...).
Yes, there was fishing...
and beaching...
Beaching always has to include Cat's Eye collecting (this photo with Nana)...
and 'who can skip stones the best' competitions (Poppa was the champ)...
Boo had tonnes of fun...
But had to be banned from ALL starfish after trying to eat this poor litte starfish guy...
Both sets of grandparents came out to visit, which was so lovely...
Yep, a much needed holiday. Sooooo good!
p.s. Thanks for your comments on my posts while I was away. They made me laugh lots, and you'll be happy to know that "The Ugly Blanket" has now been renamed "The Retro Caravan Blanket", thanks to your awesome ideas.
Drake family holiday, April 2012
I love my family, love holidays and totally love New Zealand (even when it's a wee bit chilly).
Okay, so I didn't quite go a whole week without another love related post... but just had to show you this, Symon's lawn mower love note to me the other day.
I didn't realise mowing the lawns could be so romantic!
I stumbled upon this photo, and just had to share!
Pre marriage (excuse my blindingly white face!)...
Sixteen years later...
As you can see, I discovered the hair straigtener, and Symon the hairdressers.
Love him even more!!
p.s. I promise that's the end of my soppy anniversary posts for a while (at least a week anyway).
Pre marriage (excuse my blindingly white face!)...
Sixteen years later...
As you can see, I discovered the hair straigtener, and Symon the hairdressers.
Love him even more!!
p.s. I promise that's the end of my soppy anniversary posts for a while (at least a week anyway).
The Ugly Blanket... I'm still working on it.
hoping... that... one... day... it... will... be... finished...
hoping... that... one... day... it... will... be... finished...
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.
Things I'm Loving is a bit late, but better late than never! This weeks linky is going to be open for a couple of weeks, with the school holidays being here in New Zealand at the moment, so join in on the loving!
Here are a few of the things I am loving at the moment...
Loving our family traditions at Easter time (and yes, that is pink milk... long story, don't ask).
Love Easter items at school assembly (and super proud of my baby girl who closed the assembly in prayer, telling us all to 'nod' our heads, then prayed that nobody would get hurt, thanked Jesus for dying on the cross for us, and prayed that nobody would get scraped knees). Cute!
Loving this stop motion wedding video - original and really sweet!
Loving retro shirts being back in fashion...
Loving green melons!
Loving that the school holidays are here - two whole weeks off from school for the kids, and a break from work for me! Plenty of time to relax and to whip the kids and Symon at Ticket to Ride!
Finally, loving Unfolding Hope - an inspired idea that has turned into an exciting opportunity to join with others to help free people in slavery. How many people are in slavery right now? Approximately 27 million! Although it may seem overwhelming. you can help - and an amazing group of crafters have put their creations together so that every $10 you donate before April 30th will put your name into the draw to win a selection of wonderful prizes. Read more about it here and here, and click on the button below to donate.

Here's how you can join in....