We have been embracing the weekends lately... grabbing precious moments with the family when we can, exploring our local parks and beaches.
I love these small people and this one big guy...
Sometimes I forget how much I have to be grateful for.
Yep, the weekends are my favourite part of the week.
It's official.
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.
Here are a few of the things I am loving at the moment...
Loving pretty rings...
Loving family time, especially board games...
Totally loving and moved by this video that I spotted on Enjoying the Small Things. This is what the Gospel is all about people...
Loving spending some special time with my girls...
Here's how you can join in....

A bit of burger crochet has been going on throughout the week.
Two slices of onion, a beef patty and half a bun to go before it's finished!
Joining in with Our Creative Spaces and Work in Progress Wednesday.
These spicy treats are great on their own and extra delicious iced and sprinkled with coloured sugar - and if you are super awesome you can join two biscuits together with jam before icing! The cookie dough can be frozen raw until needed - perfect for all of those busy people out there.
1 cup brown sugar
200g butter
1 large egg
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp mixed spice
2 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp baking soda
2 cups flour
If you are making these in a mixer or by hand, cream the butter and sugar until light coloured. Add the egg and spices, mix to combine. Sift in the flour, cream of tartar and baking soda. Fold into the creamed mixture. If you are using a food processor, put in the egg, brown sugar and softened butter. Mix, then add all the dry ingredients except the flour. Process until just mixed. If the food processor is strong enough, add remaining flour and process in short bursts until mixed, or stir in with a spatula after removing the blade.
Turn the dough out onto a floured board. Gently form it into three sausage-shaped rolls, each about 5 cm in diameter. Chill in freezer or refrigerator until they are firm enough to cut into thin slices. Each roll should yield 25-30 thin biscuits.
Place biscuits on a lightly greased or sprayed oven slide, leaving enough space for spreading a little. Bake at 180°C for about 10 minutes. Remove from oven as soon as the edges show signs of darkening. Cool on a rack and bake the next batch.
Store biscuits in an airtight container as soon as they are cold, or sandwich together with raspberry or blackcurrant jam. If desired, top with icing, made from 2 cups icing sugar, 25 g butter and enough lemon juice or water to make a fairly soft icing. Sprinkle a few coloured sugar crystals on the icing (add a few drops of food colouring to 2 tablespoons sugar and mix until evenly coloured).
Joining in with Tasty Tuesdays
Recipe from Alison Holst's Dollars and Sense Cookbook
It all started with our oldest boy seeing him get hit by a car on the busy main road outside our home. Symon and I were of course not too worried about another "rat with wings" (as Symon calls them) seagull being hit by passing cars, but after seeing it sitting in the middle of the road, with its little head poking up and looking at each car as it passed over top of it, we... well, lets say "I" forced Symon to rescue the poor thing.
As he carried it into the house, wrapped snugly in a towel, he calmly yet pointedly said to me, "this is your responsibility".
So, to cut a long story short, a long story which included Fred nearly getting pounced on by Barney the cat, Fred falling with his broken foot and wing into our back creek (we honesty thought he was well enough to be released again) and then Fred getting washed down the muddy pipes and having to get re-rescued from the busy main road again... well, lets just say that Fred is rather happy sitting in his little fish bin home, waiting for the Bird Recovery Centre to open it's doors at 1pm today.
In other news unrelated to Seagulls and fish bins, I discovered that a simple hula hoop can keep four children entertained for well over an hour. I even found a smidgen of time on Sunday afternoon for a bit of crochet on the deck while I watched them play.
I also must add that these biscuits are so good! Will be sharing the recipe tomorrow...
Yes, it was one interesting weekend. How was your weekend? Any bird rescues or hula hoop games going on at your place?
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.
Here are a few of the things I am loving at the moment...
Loving hanging out with my girls... they are so different and so fun to hang out with...
Loving my friend Anya's recipe for an easy meal using left over mince. Trust me, it was so delicious and easy to make!
Loving surprise packages in the mail! This amazing pack of goodies came all the way from a lovely reader named Carmel. Thank you soooooo much Carmel!!
Loving this photo of Nana (my beautiful Mum) with her oldest Grandsons... both taller than her now! p.s. please don't kill me mum for putting your photo on my blog...
Loving this and the fact that it is so true...
Loving the fact that the boys ran excitedly inside to ask me to take a photo of this cicada coming out of it's shell...
Oh, and did I ever tell you that I love Russian dolls?
Here's how you can join in....

Sometimes the no-fuss birthdays are the best.
I don't know when society decided that a giant party (including amazing goodie bags), delicious cupcakes baked for the friends at school (and a rainbow cake for home) and a stressed out Mum, proved that a child was truly loved.
It's okay to buy pizza for tea and an ice cream cake for dessert.
It's okay not to bake anything to take to school.
Well, that's what I'm telling myself anyway.
Miss 5 had a lovely birthday, celebrated with her close family. I learned that we Mum's can place too much pressure on ourselves... and it felt good to take a relaxed approach this year.
Really good.
Miss 5 announced that it was her best birthday ever!
She also asked me when we were going to have a proper party... tomorrow?
Oh well, maybe next year.
I discovered something rather funny the other day. With the recent birthday celebrations, I started to realise that there was a certain person who is usually always carrying the birthday cake while I am taking the photos.
Yes, it's Symon... the official cake carrier.
So, with today being Valentines day, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to write him a special poem... my Ode to the Cake Carrier.
My dearest carrier of cakes, oh where would we be,
My dearest carrier of cakes, oh where would we be,
Without your superior cake carrying skills, and stability of hand and knee.
You are reliable, stable and strong every second of the day,
You can confidently balance most styles of platter, plate and tray.
My darling, the one often in the shadow of the birthday star,
I wrote you this wee note, just so you know that you caught my eye from afar
I know that cake carrying takes a certain level of skill.
And while others may never notice you in the background, just be sure that your cake carrying skills make my heart stand still...
Happy Valentines Day Symon... from your loving and slightly crazy wife.
Happy Birthday to our precious baby girl today!
Our little adventurous bright spark, where would our family be without you! You are super sweet, confident and the only other lefty in the family (lefty's rule!!!).
I love your dimple, the fact that you love shopping and the way your big blue eyes make your Daddy's heart melt.
Happy Birthday baby girl - we love you so much!
p.s. farewell to the years with pre-schoolers, looking forward to this next exciting stage.
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.
Here are a few of the things I am loving at the moment...
Loving this wee "Miss Nearly Five" year old (and Boo-The-Ice-Block-Stalker)...
Loving finding a spare moment for a bit of softie making (softie pre-stuffed)...
Loving beautiful flowers from beautiful people...
Here's how you can join in....
Link up below with your blog post telling us what thing/s you are loving, and don't forget to link back to here in your post (or use this button below) and visit the others who have joined in too. Linky open until Sunday!!