Mine - eeeeek!! (don't you just love my turtle neck sweater and top knot?)
No grizzling here about the onset of grey hair and wrinkles - I'm just totally thankful for life. So many people don't even make it to my age, so I am loving every moment of it (and it's always a good thing to realise each year on your birthday, that you will never ever look this young again, so make the most of it! Even when I'm 80 I'm going to look better than when I'm 90 - ha!).
This next year is going to be full of new and exciting adventures, not only including a new job, our last baby off to school and our oldest entering high school, but also a new season in our role in our church. I'm excited, nervous and ever so thankful for my amazingly awesome husband, family, friends and most of all God!!
Love you guys!!
p.s. thanks Mum and Dad for being the best parents ever (even if you dressed me in Ernie-like clothes).
p.s. thanks Mum and Dad for being the best parents ever (even if you dressed me in Ernie-like clothes).
Joining in with Life Made Lovely Monday
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.
Here are a few of the things I am loving at the moment...
The biggest highlight of my week would have to be dolphins!! Earlier this week our family joined with others to farewell a precious friend of ours heading back home to South Africa (we will miss you Hanneke!!). While we shared a meal at the beach, a group of dolphins turned up and put on a great goodbye show.
Symon and our oldest boy even got to swim with them...
Loving my moustache straws...
Loving the excitement that flying a kite for the first time brings... check out that face!!
Loving making my "Ugly Blanket"...
What things are you loving at the moment?
Here's how you can join in....
Link up below with your blog post telling us what thing/s you are loving, and don't forget to link back to here in your post (or use this button below) and visit the others who have joined in too. Linky open until Sunday!!

I love the idea of making my very own recyclable grocery bags!
I came across this Crochet Grocery Tote crochet pattern at the purl bee. Not only is the pattern free (yippee) but it's super simple - so simple, that I am sure even a crochet beginner would find it fun and easy to make.
The tote in the pattern is made with linen 'yarn' but I used plain old acrylic, and it came out fine.
I can't wait to take it with me next time I do the groceries... that is, if I can pry it off my crochet tote loving husband (poser)...
Joining in with Our Creative Spaces.
In case you weren't aware, there is a little party going on in my "Craft Nerds Going Public" flickr group. I thought I'd share a few of my favourite photos - these people are making it cool to craft in public again (well, we like to kid ourselves that we are but people do still stare, point and laugh at us)!!

Feel free to join in on the fun - take a photo of yourself or a friend crafting in public (crochet, knitting or whatever) and post it in the group!
Craft Nerds Unite!!
Craft Nerds Going Public flickr group.
For more crafting in public posts, go here.
Tonnes of weekend fun was had this weekend!
Our local Playcentre held a Gala day which was awesome!! There were heaps of games, goodies to buy and even pony rides and a petting zoo. We manned the ticket stand together for most of the Gala, but also had some time to check out the fun stuff. The girls and I loved it!
This little girl kept squealing with delight for her whole pony ride. It was her first time riding on a pony and she loved it! p.s. I love the Lazy Day skirts - so easy to make!!
Hubby and I also went on a road trip on Sunday, as Symon was preaching at a church in a nearby town. We discovered Burton coffee there, which Symon Burton thought was pretty awesome.
Check out the amazing New Zealand landscape. We are so blessed to live in such a beautiful country!!
How was your weekend?
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.
Here are a few of the things I am loving at the moment...
Loving my darlings (including our darling Boo)...
Loving getting into a routine of baking on the weekend, and freezing for the lunches the following week...
Loving new shoes (note to self: don't put fake tan on your feet late at night when you are rushed, otherwise you will have orange feet for the next day at work. Always remember: blinding white feet are way better than bright orange feet!)...
Loving Berry & Biscuit Whittaker's chocolate!! This slab didn't last very long at our place...
Loving Crochetdermy! Remember when I told you about Feltidermy, well check out these amazing Crochetdermy creations made by Shauna Richardson. Very clever!
Loving the fact that messy rooms can always be tidied up...
Loving purple cauliflower!!
What are you loving at the moment?
Here's how you can join in....
Link up below with your blog post telling us what thing/s you are loving, and don't forget to link back to here in your post (or use this button below) and visit the others who have joined in too. Linky open until Sunday!!

Um yeah, this was supposed to be a really cute little amigurumi piggy... but I think (along with everyone else in the Drake household) that it looks more like a Koala.
I stumbled across a free pattern for Rainbow Piggies the other day, and decided to have a go at whipping one of these piggies up the other night.
I honestly thought that pink and brown would be a good mix, but apparently not!
So I dedicate this funny Koala to all of my Australian bloggy friends and family (especially you Anya, Leonie and Lisa).
For more crafty makings, go here.
Joining in with Our Creative Spaces.
I have such fond memories of making Coconut Haystacks as a child. It is such a simple recipe (3 ingredients!!), and one my Mum would often let me make all by myself. I even remember sometimes colouring my haystacks pink!
These little morsels are quick and fun to make, and perfect to eat plain, or even better drizzled with melted chocolate.
1 large egg
½ cup caster sugar (4 oz)
2½ cups desiccated coconut (½ lb)
Beat the egg and sugar together until thick and creamy. Mix in the coconut (the mixture can seem quite dry).
Using an egg cup, pack the mixture into the cup, then turn the mixture out onto a greased and lined baking tray.
Cook the haystacks in a moderate oven for 15 minutes. Makes approximately 12-15 haystacks.
Does anyone else remember making these?
A little bit of acoustic/folk music for your Monday.
Loving this single from Handsome and Gretyl.
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.
Here are a few of the things I am loving at the moment...
Loving my local Playcentre AGM. The theme was "Blast from the Past", so we dragged out our High School fashion items, me wearing a rad fluro top, tapered jeans, leg warmers, tonnes of blusher/eye shadow and Kung Fu shoes!! Belive it or not, the Kung Fu shoes are back in fashion and were borrowed off my eldest son.
I'm loving all of the amazing things I've been receiving in the mail. Things like...
This cute vintage looking owl necklace I won in a giveaway of Gail's (it's all the way from China!). Thanks so much Gail!!
Some more amazing moustache goodies all the way from Leonie in Australia...
And this new CD/DVD from Citipointe Church (Hope is Erupting) from my brother and sister-in-law (an early Christmas pressy)...
Loving spotting Camels sitting in high chairs, enjoying donuts...
Loving it when my children have a go at a competition and win a prize (spot the middle picture at the bottom?). This was a competition put on by our local library to create your own superhero, and my girl created "Jungle Girl" (hehe)...
This week has been fun and full-on! I've been working this week (having job training) and have another week to go next week before I start officially next year. My guy has been an AMAZING help! He has always helped with the washing, dishes, bathing kids etc, but this last week he has stepped it up an extra notch and even been doing meals and more. Thanks soooooooooooo much honey!!
Also a massive thanks to my amazing Mum for minding Miss 4! What would I do without you Mum?
Here's how you can join in....
Link up below with your blog post telling us what thing/s you are loving, and don't forget to link back to here in your post (or use this button below) and visit the others who have joined in too. Linky open until Sunday!!