Birthday Boy!! - PaisleyJade

Birthday Boy!!

By PaisleyJade - Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Happy Birthday to our darling boy.  Double digits now - wow!!

Today we will celebrate the life of our youngest son, the green eyed, brown haired and super clever boy who has always loved all things scientific, technological and anything quirky or silly that will make others laugh.  

He has also always loved the colour green and adores our cat Barney (the cat that drives me mad with his naughty antics).

We love you tonnes (and you better love the blanket I lovingly made for your birthday).

So blessed that God brought you into our lives!!

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  1. He sounds like a fun little guy! Hope he has a fabulous birthday :)

  2. Happy birthday sweet boy!! My Rangi turns three today...busy birthday day.
    Enjoy your family time, and bet he loves that blanket

  3. Happy Birthday to your boy xxx I have a technology focused boy too!
    And how could he not lOVE that blanket it is seriously gorgeous!

  4. Happy Birthday M!

  5. Happy Birthday!! Im sure he's going to LOVE the blanket!

  6. He sounds like a cool kid! Enjoy the day!

  7. love the pics. love the blanket. hope he had an awesome day!

  8. Happy Birthday, Little One. Hope he enjoyed his blanket.

  9. Ellymay1:47 pm

    Luv u big boy, 10 unbelievable. Enjoy your day x x Blankets amazing P.J.

  10. Happy birthday dude, oh & the cake was AMAZING, you nailed it again, love Posie


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