One of the coolest ladies I know (hi Keri!!) shared this recipe with me the other day. As soon as I saw the magic ingredients in it (condensed milk + coconut = pure bliss) I was sold!
Believe me... this slice is amazing! Hubby is totally in love with it and my mum has already taken a copy of the recipe home with her too.
Thanks Keri!!
Caramel Oat Slice
125grms butter
½ cup castor sugar
1 cup coconut
1 cup flour
1 tsp vanilla
Melt butter mix ingredients
together and press into a swiss roll tin.
Cook for 20 minutes at 180°C.
Remove from oven and allow to
cool then spread with the following...
over a low heat 1 tin of condensed milk. 60grms butter and 2 tbls golden syrup.
60grms butter and 1 tablespoon golden syrup, stir in 1 cup shredded coconut and ½ cup
rolled oats. I also add slivered almonds
as an extra.
Spread filling on base, then
topping on filling and bake again for 15 minutes or till golden brown.
I make this using 1½ mixture for the base and
topping otherwise I find it a bit small!!
It was a totally awesome weekend, doing completely random stuff and hanging with some of the coolest people around...
The perfect Saturday night... a chick flick, snacks, crazy hair and precious girls
Good coffee
Russian doll play
Sunday funday (after hubby preached an awesome message at church)
Boo being cute in the car
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.
Here are a few of the things I am loving at the moment...
I'm loving this Russian doll money box that I found while on our big trip down to meet the Kiwi Mummy Bloggers last weekend...
Loving whipping up some fresh lemon cupcakes with lemon curd hidden inside, and a dash of lemon syrup on the side...
Loving spending two amazing days away with my soul mate at Manifest Presence Conference. We haven't actually been away to a conference together since before we had kids (nearly 13 years!!)! A massive thanks to my parents and Symon's parents for their help with our children while we were away!!
While at the conference, loving the worship, hearing the amazing wisdom from speakers like Danny Silk, Bill Johnson and Kim Walker, seeing multitudes of people healed from things like Bell's palsy, metal rods and plates disappear etc. as we all prayed for those around us. Woohoo, God is awesome!!
Loved hanging out with special friends... who also shouted us Star Bucks Coffees (cause our little town of Whangarei ain't that trendy yet).
Here's how you can join in....
Link up below with your blog post telling us what thing/s you are loving, and don't forget to link back to here in your post (or use this button below) and visit the others who have joined in too. Linky open until Sunday!!

It's been aaaaaaages since I've made a few tote bags, so when a friend asked me to make her one with a flap over the top and pockets inside, I was slightly nervous but also very excited!
I decided to make two, one from recycled denim...
And another using blue cord fabric, lined with a cute lampshade patterned fabric I found recently (I might put the russian doll iron-ons on the flap of this one)...
They were both fun to make, and I think I might be bitten with the tote bag bug for awhile now.
For more crafty makings, visit here.
Joining in with Our Creative Spaces.
Just for fun, I thought I'd share some of the cute yet strange amigurumi (crochet toy) creations I've spotted out on the internet lately...
I've had a tiny go at a few amigurumi creations of my own (my favourites would have to be the cupcakes), but would love to try more sometime soon. Maybe an amigurumi yeti to go with hubby's yeti softie??
I'm inspired!!
Guess what happened on the weekend!??!
Finally, and for the first time ever, a big group of us Kiwi Mummy Bloggers from throughout New Zealand met together in 'real life'!!
A few of us Whangarei bloggers drove down to Auckland early in the morning, slightly nervous but mostly excited about meeting these special girls. You see, blogging friends are sort of like pen pals - although you have never met, you can actually feel quite close to each other. So it was such a great experience to actually finally get to meet these girls.
Thanks to the amazing organisational skills of Leonie (the lady behind Kiwi Mummy Blogs), as well as Meghan booking a flight up from Wellington (which made us get organised!) we had a fabulous time with tonnes of chatting, laughter, eating delicious food, photo taking... and there was even a few spot prizes!
Leonie also had the fabulous idea of each of us making name tags for each other. Here is the one I made for Meg...
I must mention that The Mediterranean where we ate lunch was such a brilliant restaurant that we would all highly recommend! The staff were friendly and went out of their way to accommodate us and our children, as well as provide absolutely delicious food!
I just loved meeting you girls - some of you I feel like I know so well, and others I can't wait to get to know more.
I just want to say to all of you who would have loved to have been there but couldn't, we missed you and were thinking of you (especially you Gail all the way over in China at the moment, and Widge in Christchurch).
We actually took a sad photo just for you girls, so you can imagine how sad we all were without you there.
Let's do it again soon!!!
p.s. thank you Leonie for letting me use some of your fabulous photos in this post!!
p.p.s. also, a massive thank you to my guy who single handedly babysat our four kids all day, took them on an outing, fed and bathed them, then tidied up the house before I arrived home. Love you babe.
Bloggy girls - link up your take on the day below, and join in on the bloghop!!
p.p.s. also, a massive thank you to my guy who single handedly babysat our four kids all day, took them on an outing, fed and bathed them, then tidied up the house before I arrived home. Love you babe.
Bloggy girls - link up your take on the day below, and join in on the bloghop!!
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.
Here are a few of the things I am loving at the moment...
Finding a "Mollie Makes" magazine in my neck of the woods! A massive thanks to Kylie from Blue Teacups who got them up here after a wee bit of begging, and also let me know about it. The crazy thing was that we even bumped into each other in the shop while grabbing a copy!
Loving the excitement that a short hail storm brings to our kids... you see, with all the snow falling in other parts of New Zealand lately, they were feeling pretty sad about missing out. I did what any crazy good mother would do, and let them run out and play in the hail. My poor snow-deprived children...
Loving wee cow girls...
Loving spaces to display a few of my favourite things (now that the fish tank that spilled water in my drawer has been moved)...
Loving seeing my kids taking part in their school cross country! It seemed to be the day for shoes falling off - my girl lost one of hers but still came in 2nd, and Jacksta's boy had his fall off twice (see here), yet won his race in the end! Coolest cross country moment right there!
Loving these cute Russian doll iron ons...
Finally, loving my blogging buddies! When there's 40% off at your local Spotlight store, who better to go and visit it with than them! Best of all, a group of us Kiwi Mummy Bloggers are all going to meet up in Auckland this Saturday!! Really looking forward to that (p.s. excuse my crazy face).
Here's how you can join in....
Link up below with your blog post telling us what thing/s you are loving, and don't forget to link back to here in your post (or use this button below) and visit the others who have joined in too. Linky open until Sunday!!

I saw this simple kerchief tutorial recently and decided to give it a go. It was fun to make, although somehow my ties didn't quite turn out like the ones in the pattern - but I improvised (as you do) and they work fine.
I love it - and a little someone else is rather chuffed with it too!
Here are the tutorials... simple kerchief tutorial here and the not so simple kerchief tutorial here.