Things I'm Loving... - PaisleyJade

Things I'm Loving...

By PaisleyJade - Friday, July 01, 2011

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.  

Here are a few of the things I am loving at the moment...

Finding these delicious morsals... Mini Oreos!!!


After making the Mini Oreo Cheesecakes, I just had to make them again using the above beauties on the top... this time I made an uncooked cheesecake version.  Delicious!!

Loving how this chilly winter can turn 'archenemies' into 'cuddle buddies'...

Colourful cupcakes, made on a dreary, rainy day...

The runaway bunny rabbits that love to visit us regularly...

Chocolate Fish on a Stick (and False Teeth on a Stick too)...

Here's how you can join in....
Link up below with your blog post telling us what thing/s you are loving, and don't forget to link back to here in your post (or use this button below) and visit the others who have joined in too. Linky open until Sunday!!


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  1. i'm lovin' all the color!!! the oreo cheesecakes look sinful. ; ) i've made some like that before and gained two pounds. but totally worth it!

  2. I love your bright, fun loving! (and the yellow nails!)...what a fun week at your place! x

  3. I love the fact that you can portrait the simple things so beautifully .

  4. haha cuddle buddies!

  5. this is one of my favorites to link up, like always, thank you for hosting! :)

    loving your doggy and cat all snuggled up!

  6. Mmmm those Oreo cheesecakes!!!
    They look fab with the mini ones on top!!

    And the photo of Boo and kittyCat made me laugh out loud.
    So cute.
    Love your Loving list.
    As always its a wonderful bright spot in our week

  7. So, I don't think you realize how many things I can "pin" from your blog onto my new Pinterest boards.

    You take awesome pictures. But I'm pretty sure I've told you that already.

    And your "chilly winter" comment caused me to do a double-take at the post date. Then I realized you're on the other side of the world from me! It's HOT here. :-)

    I need to take more pictures and join you on this meme...so fun!

  8. Anonymous11:38 am

    Oh my, those Oreo cupcakes look divine!
    LOVE the cat and dog...something like our chickens & dog!
    The fish & teeth are toooo cute.

  9. Mini Oreo's are the bees knees! Love Oreo Cheesecake too.

    I am loving your whole list. The Bunnies look gorgeous.

  10. Love the post of your Cat and Dog - awwww. I'm loving the Mini Oreos too!!

  11. Can not get those chocolate false teeth out of my mind, brilliant!! I have a funny school story for you this week, an ill fated school excursion to the Botanic Gardens. Love Posie

  12. Yum those oreos look soooo delish! I saw in a dairy thing in London some Milky Bar drink, totally reminded me of that! x

  13. Love how bright and cheerful this whole post is! Those mini oreos look fab - and the cheesecakes even better - I totally don't need ANY more tempting!

    Hahaha - false teeth on a stick! That made me chuckle!

  14. So much to love in this post!! Mini Oreos....drool....cheesecakes....double drool....and the pic of your fur babies is just gorgeous :)

  15. Love the photo of your pup and kitty! Very cute! :)

  16. Oh those mini oreo biscuits are addictive....xo

  17. Anonymous7:20 pm

    I'm loving your yellow nails. This is a great linky. This weekend I plan to get through and read some more entries. Thanks PJ!

  18. Love your photo of Boo & his friend... classic!

  19. How gorgeous that you have runaway bunnies regularly come to visit! And LOVING all the colour on your post - your children are so super lucky to have such a great cup-cake baking Mama! And your cat & dog cuddled up together all snug on one of your crafty creations is so cute! Gorgeous!

  20. Nothing better than a cupcake on a rainy day. Love those little bunnies. :)

  21. Did you match your nail polish to the Oreo pack? ;) It looks awesome! Love the teeth on a stick too, ha ha!

  22. Oreos really are my downfall, especially those mini ones. You can't tell how many you are eating as they are so small, you just think 'OK, just a few more', well I do anyway!

    I finally got round to joining the VLOG-y fun this week.


  23. Cruel woman waving your mini Oreos around...

    My grandpa would've loved those teeth on a stick! He used to chase us around the house with his dentures hanging out & clacking madly.

    So ♥ the dog/cat pic! Wish our two would get along.

  24. Mini Oreo's? Nice find! I love the cupcakes. Baking can be so therapeutic for kids and adults!

  25. Your cuddle buddies are adorable all curled up!

  26. What a fun list of lovely things. Cat and Boo = cute!!!!

  27. loving your bright yellow nail polish and that funky rainbow granny blanket too!

  28. Hi I have never came accross your blog but I think its awesome and I am your new follower thanx for comment on my site I think it's a great idea with the things i'm loving' and i've joined too xxx

  29. Love your blog, its so bright and cheerful, i have linked up to tell you about what i am grateful for and loving at the moment, so glad i found your blog


Thanks for your comments... I love hearing from you!!!