I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.
Here are a few of the things I am loving at the moment...
Loving my leather satchel bag! This was one of the first things I bought when I left school and started working! It was expensive (Symon still hassles me today about the price) but it's real leather and look how well it's lasted 16 years later!
Loving Grandma and her patience in showing my girl the 'proper' way to crochet (I'm a lefty and my crochet method is a bit strange)...
Loved discovering some Frankie Magazine's in our local library! Pretty exciting when you live in a small town where none of the shops stock cool magazines.
Loving Mummy & daughter dates...
Loving coconut ice and chocolate truffles, especially when shared with lovely friends...
Loving seeing my kids in the local newspaper (twice in one week!)...
Link Loves...
Loving the latest Delve article (although I might be a wee bit biased), Loving the fact that there is a big Kiwi Mummy Bloggers meetup in Auckland next month!! Loving The Wooden Birds album and The Frozen Ocean album (especially the first song!). Both are free to download!
Here's how you can join in....
Link up below with your blog post telling us what thing/s you are loving, and don't forget to link back to here in your post (or use this button below) and visit the others who have joined in too. Linky open until Sunday!!