A Mad Hatters Tea Party! - PaisleyJade

A Mad Hatters Tea Party!

By PaisleyJade - Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It's been a while since the party invitations were given out, but last night we finally got to have another fun family themed meal!!  Remember last time when we became "The Drake Fighters"?  So much fun!!

This time we had our very own Mad Hatters Tea Party!

The plan - come dressed up wearing something on your head (a hat, crown or tiara) and take part in cupcake decorating, family photos, our very own tea party and finishing up the night by watching Alice in Wonderland!

We didn't totally stick to the schedule... but we had heaps of fun, and once again we were reminded how important it is to take time out as a family to simply have fun and enjoy being together.

The highlights: Delicious cupcakes, the excitement that a bit of tea drinking causes amongst the kids and drinking sodas later while we watched the movie.

The low lights: Boys who don't colour coordinate their outfits (ahem... Symon), and the fact that the time of night meant we didn't get to take super clear pictures!

So much fun, and relatively cheap and easy to organise.  I love you guys!!

More fun themed meals here

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  1. Haha, this looked like a lot of fun! Love the colour coordination on the male side! What a fun family. I also laughed at the Drake Fighters. Awesome stuff! Thanks for all the fun, yummy, creative ideas you have on your blog :)

  2. That looks like sooo much fun! It's such a great idea to get the family together and have heaps of fun! I'm so going to use that idea in 5 or so years when I have my own family :) x

  3. You lot are nutters! Love it. What a fab family. Bet you're the ring leader!!!!


  4. You guys are such an inspiration to keeping family fun alive! What a fab looking night.

  5. That looks like a lot of fun!
    I'm a new mum to a 2 month old babygirl, but when she grows up and maybe have a brother or sister I'm going to do these theme nights too.
    Thank you so much for the inspiration.

  6. What a super fun idea for family dinner and a movie!!!! You always have the best ideas for this:-)

  7. Kristy, your ideas are awesome.. thinking about changing my upcoming birthday party to a mad hatter party.. it would definitely be a lot of fun!

  8. What a fun idea!! Mad and fun xx

  9. Kristy another great Drake event!!
    Can I include in the Parents Inc. story??? Photos???
    (Just had meeting with editor, she is super happy)

    ALSO make sure you link up on the Party Linky


  10. PS which version of the movie was it??
    If the new one, how WAS that??

  11. What a great idea to have a party just for the family. You are creating such wonderful memories and a beautifully close family... well done! Looks SOOO much fun!

  12. Anonymous6:33 pm

    That looked so much fun...you are such an inspiration. Keep it up...your posts are lovely to read x

  13. This is so lovely, what gorgeous pics and what a fun idea! :o)

  14. You're such an adorable family, this is great, love Posie

  15. Look at all those smiles and happy faces:)


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