Marbled Rainbow Cake - PaisleyJade

Marbled Rainbow Cake

By PaisleyJade - Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Our daughter took great pleasure in announcing to her friends (at her birthday party) that her mum had just made her a plain purple cake for her birthday this year.  She then laughed at the excited gasps that came from her friends as we cut a slice of cake... inside was a marbled rainbow cake!

After the great results with The Rainbow Cake, I decided to attempt a two layered marbled version (inspired by this).  For the cake mix I used Meredy's super easy recipe at the bottom of this post - I did a double batter mix and evened it out into six bowls to mix my gel colours in.  I also used her vanilla frosting and it turned out great!!

I love the way you plop the colours on top of each other in the pans and somehow they even themselves out into such a pretty design!

I would love to try this again with pink, purple and yellow - the colour combination ideas are endless.

I dare you to give it a go - even a cupcake version would be fun.  Gel or powdered colours are a must for the brightness, but normal colours would still look good... even a pastel version would be pretty.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions!! 

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  1. yay! thanks for inspiring me!
    my sis asked if I would bake her a cake when she comes back from university this summer :) - and I said sure! - but until now I had no idea what kind of cake I will make...now I know :)


  2. What a super cool cake! I love how they didn't know it was marble ;-) Sneaky!

  3. looks super duper yummy! so bright and happy :) Way to sneak that one on everybody! hehe

  4. Good Job Kristi! I will try it one of these days ;) I love how it doesn't take much of the dye to make such bright colors. Happy Birthday to your little one!!!

  5. Anonymous11:32 am

    Aren't they great? I made a marble one before the layered one for my hippy friend :) I did the same for my 7 year old he was so excited to see a rainbow of colour when it was cute. Man I love kids they make the smallest things the greatest moments xxx

  6. y.u.m.m.o.

    That cake looks awesome! (BTW - so does your cake stand. What are the drawings? Super cute!)

  7. Wow, that cake is AMAZING!!! And it looks so yummy :)

  8. dont you just love rainbows hehe i love this cake so PRETTY.

  9. What an awesome cake, I love it! Purple is my favourite colour ♥

  10. it looks great! what kind of food colouring do you use?

    I did a similar thing for Ebi-kuns birthday last year, his cake was grey because it was a castle, until it was cut open, it was worth the effort for all the gasps!

  11. Soooo cool!
    (we did this for my birthday last year!)

    Love the purple icing too!x

  12. you're AMAZING Kris! What an awesome cake! I will certainly be coming to you if I need help in 3 weeks time!! (although you'll be busy making a carrot cake - hehe) ;-)

  13. Wow! I gotta get some of those gel colours! I love your cakes!

  14. Oh my word! It's gorgeous... Where did you get your colours from Kristy?

  15. What a fantastic cake! LOVE it! You sure made the birthday girl happy:)

  16. This cake is AMAZING! I cannot wait to have kids so I can create goodies like this!

    LOVE IT!

  17. I think that might possible be the most awesome cake I have ever seen. I am totally requesting one for my 30th this year :-)

  18. orsum!!
    Love those bright colours; and the marble effect is FAB!

  19. I LOVE that cake! I so want one now!!!

  20. OMG OMG OMG!!!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this cake! <3 I'm gonna have a go at making one!

  21. Such a cool cake! I accept your dare!

  22. Looks amazing! Must try it one of these days...

  23. Aw! You are a fun and loving mom! I think I will try the cake recipe. :)

  24. omygoodnessgracious. she must have been in love!

  25. Coolest.Cake.Ever.

    I think my favorite part is how your daughter was "tricking" her friends, too cute!

  26. Love it! You are such the greatest cake maker!!!!

  27. I am actually making the mustache cake with this as the center for my friends mustache birthday party! thanks so much for all your ideass:)

  28. Anonymous7:07 pm

    I made the rainbow cake for my bday and it was amazing and then I made this cake for a friend at work and people were so gobsmacked and amazed at the colours...for days I had people requesting the recipe. They ate it so fast I didn't get to taste it LOL...I know it was delish cos thats what I kept hearing all week..love it. thank you so much for these awesome recipes.

  29. I've tried this fab cake heaps now and its still a crowd pleaser...amazin!!!
    I love baking and tryin out recipes. I have a baking blog to show them all off in and it includes some of your treats and will have heaps added to it as well...feel free to have a look.


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