How to Crochet... - PaisleyJade

How to Crochet...

By PaisleyJade - Sunday, May 22, 2011

Many of you have mentioned to me lately that you would love to learn to crochet - so here's what you wanted... some tips on how to crochet!

Let me just start by saying that crochet is such an awesome hobby!  Not only can you take it with you wherever you go (unlike a sewing machine), but it's easy to learn and there is such a variety of things you can make for yourself or that you can give to others.  Crochet is also rather fashionable again, so hopefully you won't get too many people snickering at you, if you are caught doing it in public!

I had grand ideas of taking my own photos and videos of how to do different stitches etc, but then I realised something... I'm left handed!  Being left-handed makes it rather awkward to teach the majority of you right handed people the craft (believe me - I tried to force my daughter to learn left handed and it didn't go down too well).

So instead, I thought I'd share a couple of tips and point you to the very best places (in my opinion) on the internet for learning to crochet.

Tip Number 1
Start out by buying yourself a pack of crochet hooks and some inspiring coloured yarn or wool and commit to learn!

Tip Number 2
If you have a grandmother, aunt, parent or friend who knows how to crochet, ask them if they would be willing to show you the basics.  Learning from someone else is sometimes the best and easiest way to start out.  I remember my grandmother teaching me how to crochet a granny square as a child.  I only ever made a few, but what I had learned from her all came flooding back many years later when I decided to start re-learning crochet.

Tip Number 3
The internet is your friend.  With youtube and google around these days, I don't know why people even bother to ask questions sometimes... just google it or look it up on youtube!  There have been many times, even as a left-hander, where I get stuck with not knowing how to do something and after looking it up on youtube, all my troubles are solved!  There are many great clips of how to do certain stitches that you can pause and re-watch until you master it.

Tip Number 4
Get inspired!  Find some inspiring crochet creations  to encourage you to learn.  Check out your local library for modern crochet books and browse the internet too. Here are some of my favourite places to get inspired to crochet...

If you don't have someone who is able to help get you started, here are the best places to get learning...

Learn to Crochet (Pip from Meet Me At Mikes) has done a very simple series teaching you all the basics.

How to Crochet (Tip Junkie is going through a series teaching you how to crochet - perfect timing!)

Learn to Crochet with Lion Brand Yarn

There you have it - you can learn to crochet!!!

I totally encourage you to give it a go, and persevere when you get stuck!

Happy crafting!  

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  1. What a supremely helpful post, and what a thrill to be mentioned, thank you :) I love your initiative... Best to learn by Doing something, instead of planning to learn to do something someday, right?

    Congratulations on encouraging more individuals to unleash their handmade creativity! :)

  2. I am keen to learn but I have struggled with YouTube because I am left handed and the tutes are all of right handed people doing it! I really think a great suggestion is to sit down with someone....now to find someone!

    Thanks so much for the tips and encouragement :)

  3. Thanks for replying! Sorry about no email. It's bpkdmurphy(at)gmail(dot)com

    I'm such a gum by not thinking of searching for left handed! My babies have stolen all my brain cells. Hehe just joking!

    Thanks again!

  4. Thank you so much! I really want to learn how to crochet. Check out my sew mama sew giveaway. It's crochet related. ;)

  5. I was so excited to read this post- I had given up learning because I am left handed. I have my own little version of knitting and can chain stitch- but the bit where you go in on the 3rd chain (or whatever) has always lost me- I cant figure out where to go it. I will re check your tips and resources and hopefully can crack it this time, I love the look of crochet. You've inspired me, you left handed crocheter, you!

  6. What a great post...And yay for possible newbies coming over to the crochet world because of it :)

  7. Thanks for this! I really want to give it a go.

  8. Crocheting is so much fun! My friend taught me in a few steps on how to get a beanie started and within a few minutes I had picked it up! I think once you get the hang of it, there's no stopping! And the plus side, I got some reaallllyyyy awesome tie dyed patterned crochet hooks from spotlight-fab!!

  9. A group of my friends and I are throwing a "homemaker party", where we bake, sew, etc. with each other and learn "womanly" skills (yes, for laughs, too). And, I was so happy to see this, because none of us know how to crochet! So this was pretty helpful!

  10. Thanks Kristy. Keen to learn some new techniques. ;-)

  11. Thanks! My hubbie thinks I am insane for adding something more to my life but I would love to learn. Will keep you posted!

  12. This is awesome! There are so many people out there who don't know how to crochet and would love to learn! I was taught in high school and love the crochet (and knit), and a few friends have asked me to teach them. I'll make sure I give them the link to this too! Paula :)

  13. Awesome tips! We should create a kiwi crochet club or something! There seems to be heaps of people wanting to learn.
    If anyone reading this wants to learn in Manawatu I'd be happy to share my basic crochet knowledge :-)

  14. I have just learned how to crochet a few weeks ago. All I have mastered at the moment are little rounds which I want to make into a blanket. I have this lovely creamy off white, chocolate brown and a multi pink/purple wool. They look so good! Thanks for the tips - I still have so much to learn!

  15. i will make time to do this. i will! i want to so bad. and thanks so much for sharing that link for the big weekend away, i love that!!

  16. Anonymous4:55 am

    Hey gorgeous lady! Did you know that if you type classy crochet blankets into google a pic of you comes up? Thought you would like that one :)

  17. My friend is a lefty trying to learn so I'm going to forward a link to this post for her for a bit of encouragement.

    Love those slouchy hats you've made.


  18. Awesome post, I love crocheting. And I am a self taught crochet er....I picked up this wonderful hobby by searching the web....you tube and lionbrand are sites I found really helpful!Way to go for encouring people to come over to the wonderful world of crocheting :)

  19. Super cute! I want to learn how to do that.

  20. Thank you SO much for all these links! :) I loved the Attic page and am going to use her really good tutorial to make a ripple blanket one of these days!!

  21. Hi there! I just found you through Flickr! I'm here to find out all about your crochet bunting--so adorable--and what do you know, you link in this post to the how-to-crochet series I'm authoring at Tip Junkie! Thanks! -Anneliese

  22. I have tried before, perhaps it is time to take a deep breath and try again! SO many gorgeous possibilities! I'll let you know how I go (wish me luck!)
    Pepper x

  23. Thats Awesome! Thanks so much for your tips. I've been attempting to learn to crochet for a while now. I really like the hats you made and most definitely want to make that banner for my friends baby shower! So Thanks!


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