Things I'm Loving... - PaisleyJade

Things I'm Loving...

By PaisleyJade - Friday, April 01, 2011

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.  

Here are a few of the things I am loving at the moment...

Little Miss Independence... no help required wanted when it comes to buckling up swings, doing up her buttons, zips, shutting the car door, buttering her toast... you get the idea (be warned... if you help, you get screamed at).

That hubby is on holiday for one whole month from this Saturday!!!!!  Woohooo - looking forward to hanging out with him, our family visiting over from Australia, celebrating our wedding anniversary next week and oh so much more!  He missed out having his Christmas holidays this year so is definitely ready for a break.

Felt clouds - I'd really love to make some of these!

Boo and her bling...

Carcassonne - only the best board game in the whole wide world!  Enjoyed playing it a couple of nights ago with our lovely friends and regularly with Symon (he usually gets a good whipping from me - hehe).

Blogging buddy get-togethers!  We had a fab time earlier this week again - love all of these girls.

This quote that I've taken the liberty to zhuzh up a bit...

I'd love to see what things you are loving at the moment.

Here's how you can join in....
Link up below with your blog post telling us what thing/s you are loving, and don't forget to link back to here in your post (or use this button below) and visit the others who have joined in too. Linky open until Sunday!!


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  1. I have a Miss.....er...I guess a Mr. Independence too:) So much fun;)
    Love dog bling:))
    Hope your time with family is marvelous...and happy early anniversary!

  2. Ah the joys of independence...so hard to be patient when you are in a rush and they MUST do things themselves!!
    Love the blinged out pup.
    Oh and the quote and your design are awesome xx

  3. Love those felt mobiles, I have recollections of my mum making us one that had little metal sprinkles of rain coming out of a fluffy cotton wool cloud.

    Carcasonne rocks! We discovered it at Christmas and spent pretty much every evening having a game or two, great that you can buy extensions for it to mix it up a wee bit too.

    And yay for hubby holidays!

  4. LOVE Carcassonne! We have it and about 4 extension packs. Haven't played for a while. Need to dust it off and have a game again. Ta for the reminder :-)
    Think we're heading into the Miss Independence stage too... wish us luck!!!

  5. Anonymous10:15 am

    How cool to have your husband off for a month! :) And I totally relate to the independence thing...I have a Mr Independence in my household at the moment! Ah the joys of three year olds. :) I've joined in for the first time this week!

  6. OH! That quote is ahh.sum.

    Never heard of "Carcasonne" before, but looks like we should try to find one. My sons love battle board games!

  7. Anonymous3:18 pm

    Loving that independence (most of ther time) we have it too. And bloggy get togethers oh yes! and husbands on holiday for a whole month - DREAM!!!

  8. Love it, especially the quote about contentment:)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Boo is fat but doesn't care
    Her master thinks she is the best
    Most poems rhyme but this one doesn't

  11. I love those felt clouds too! must make one.
    Loving the bling on Boo.
    And that game... would love to know more about it as it seems pretty popular.
    And the bloggy get together - how totally lucky are we to have such awesome girls around us!! it rocks.

  12. hahah..Ohh loving YOU PJ, another awesome blessing in our bloggy group! You're like sunshine all wrapped up in a gorgeous body!

    Loving your "bling" there Boo doggy!! I think I can hear my Ozzie asking if I can give him some to be photographed in too!!

    Love that lil' miss independence (I totally have one little one...lol) and so cool that you and Symon are gonna get some quality time!! woohoo!

    You truly ROCK! and it's always lovely meeting up with you! xxx

  13. yaaay, I LOVE Carcasonne... have been addicted to it while at holiday in Spain with friends. Have a lovely weekend! (love your designed quote btw!) XXNienke

  14. Anonymous11:45 pm

    Oh wow! Enjoy the month friend!!
    I love when hubby is on holiday but let's be honest for a minute...by the end of it I cannot wait for him to go back!
    Maybe it's just me!
    Loving your stuff!
    xx Stace

  15. awwww I love Boo and her bling :)

  16. Is Carcasonne like Settlers of Catan? Was introduced to that a while back in Auckland and have loved it since, I hint hard for it when birthdays/christmasses come around...!
    Love your list lady!

  17. Cool!!!!!!! I love your blog!!!!!!!

  18. Cool 'bling'!

    Love the sound of that game (and your face!).

    Those clouds are very cute too :) - but I'm not ready to see too many of them just yet! x

  19. I love your list. That contentment quote is just wonderful. :)


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