Softie overload

By PaisleyJade - Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I always seem to have a few projects going on at once... that's how I stay sane with my 62 children and cricket breeding husband (and I'm not joking about the husband part).  

There is usually something half made on my crochet hook, something waiting to be sewn on the machine and tonnes of fancy ideas printed off for inspiration on my paisley inspiration board (hanging right next to the drawing of me with hairy armpits).  The hard thing is finding the time to make stuff!

Lately though, there has been a tonne of softie making going on - and I am loving these fluffy little guys!  Some of these are going to be sent off for Leonie's fabulous idea - Softies for the Children of Christchurch (check out some she has already received here), and a few are going to be given to 3 special kids who have just arrived over from Japan.

Here are a few of my latest makings...

I'm just loving this chocolate/vanilla coloured guy...

For more crafty makings, go here.
Joining in with My Creative Space.

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  1. but such a cute overload!
    i can't decide which is the cutest ♥

  2. did you mention chocolate and vanilla? yeah. great. thanks for that...
    excuse me while i go raid my pantry! ;)

    two thumbs up from me Pasiley Jade, you rock xO

  3.'s how the cool people say 'payzlee' (it wasn't a spelling mistake, promise!)


  4. Oh Kristy you are just the softie making queen!! I totally love the chocolate and vanilla one - good enough to eat!!!
    As for your cricket breeding husband... hehe

  5. I ♥ PJ.
    Lovely work

  6. They are gorgeous. Love them all and I bet they will be a huge hit with mini-Earthquake victims from close and far.

  7. Anonymous3:01 pm

    So with you that chocolate guy is supreme. Littlies from Japan ((((((()))))))))) hugs to you. You are a talented lady or close to insanity - I guess either way the creativity is flowing!

  8. I love the chocolate/vanilla guy too...

  9. These are just so beautiful....I love the fabrics you have chosen...I am sure they are going to so loved.

  10. Each one is so adorable!

  11. Anonymous6:14 pm

    YOur softies are adorable and will bring so much joy to their new owners :)

  12. Too CUTE! Love the chocolate/vanilla!
    Darn...and I was doing so good with the no-dessert thing tonight.....

  13. That pink one rocks- she looks soooo soft! Jed and Henry were posted on Sat- hope they don't get scared on the way down to Waipu. They should be ok- they have each other.....
    P.S. I had to really work at letting them go- I sooooo wanted to keep them!!!!

  14. Wow Kirsty, your work always makes me SO HAPPY! Wonderful softies, I love them!!!

  15. Lovely! Can i post a photo on my Dolly Donations Blog of your cuties (will link back to you of course!!)


  16. Super cute Jade and for a worthy cause. You rock!

  17. So cute! So much cuteness in one spot!

  18. Anonymous11:02 am

    They are so very cute! Love that they are going to some great causes.

  19. Very Cute I am sure they will be loved by all those receiving them.

  20. Anonymous2:01 pm

    What super cute bunnies!
    I am sure they will be very well loved in their new homes.

  21. Your little guys are so cute! i always have heaps on the go too, I think it's part of the dream that one day I will actually have time to finish everything!

  22. They are all oh so cute!

  23. I'm hearting pink blossomy things these days (for obvious reasons) - love your blossom!

  24. Anonymous4:38 pm

    They are beautiful. I am sure they will be cherished. A very worthy cause. Happy Friday

  25. I love your softies..!!
    still checking up your shop!

    greets kaatje


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