Things I'm Loving... - PaisleyJade

Things I'm Loving...

By PaisleyJade - Friday, February 11, 2011

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for... no matter how simple it is.  

Here are a few of the things that I'm loving at the moment (and for some strange reason they are all food related - ooooops!)...

Simple things like fish & chips with the family (which ended up with one very muddy Boo!)...

Gel colours - I looooove them!  Getting some practise in before attempting this for my wee girl's birthday on the weekend... 

Quick and easy meals that are also healthy and delicious...

Finding out that someone did actually make a Mustache Cake, and even emailed me their photo (thanks Cara)! 

Discovering a nest full of beautiful (long deserted) tiny blue eggs - and the wide-eyed wonder that came along with their discovery...

Sipping delicious Iced Coffee on a hot Summer's day...

Here's how you can join in....
Link up below with your blog post telling us what thing/s you are loving, and don't forget to link back to here in your post (or use this button below). Linky open until Sunday!!


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  1. Love muddy Boo!! Our Stanley is a Jack Russell - he loves getting muddy too, usually up to his ears...looks very funny!

  2. Oh how I miss iced coffee!

  3. I like your quote

    neat post :)

  4. That meal looks yummy. What a great list and awesome photos too!
    I've linked up...but not used to a thumbnail linky so my caption beneath the photo is a bit silly. o well

  5. oh my gosh i love this post. the pasta dish looks really yum.

  6. Lots to love here. The meal looks super tasty - it looks a bit like the lemon and thyme pasta we make :-)

    Mmmmm iced coffee haven't done that in a while but might have to now I've seen your delicious looking cup!

  7. Fish n chips and an iced coffee, yummy i'm drooling.xx

  8. Oh fantastic, just love the bright colours in that marble cake, gorgeous & delicious!! Love it all, love Posie

  9. Because your crochet creations are so darn cute and your photos are awesome I am awarding you the Stylish Blogger award! Grab the award and instructions here: http://bakingequalslove.blogspot.com/2011/02/ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changes-chinese-new-year.html :) xox

  10. Anonymous11:25 am

    Here's what I'm lovin!


    Thanks for sharing yours!

  11. Anonymous12:01 pm

    Fish and chips at the beach...LOVE!! We do that often too.

  12. Some else has made a mustache cake?! ;)

  13. I agree! there's always somethign to be thankful for

  14. Always love you loving lists and this week I loved your bunting too! Did you see the crochet heart garland on Design*Sponge a few weeks ago? you are sooo trendy! :)

  15. Can't Wait to see how that Rainbow Cake turns out?!!
    Gel colours ROCK!
    Loving that you still have a linky with pictures and were not put off by linky tools getting all commercial.

  16. thanks for your comment on my blog! I am dreaming about the iced coffee on a hot day~very cold here today. we are only about 5 months away from HOT weather, ugh!! hugs, cathy

  17. That iced coffee… mmmm. :) That meal looks amazing too!

  18. I just love your granny bunting.
    That nest is an amazing discovery, I would love to find such a thing with my kids.

  19. loving fish and chips at the beach and muddy Boo... cute!
    And those cakes - gorgeous. Gel colours are the way to go for true colour.

  20. I've never tried iced coffee! Love the granny bunting, looks so cheerful.

    And, yup, linky won't work for me!


  21. I do believe I'm going to have to make that mustache cake for the F-16 pilots at my church. (Mustache March is just around the corner!)

  22. Anonymous6:00 pm

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. I am amazed I haven't "met" you before! Your blog is lovely and I'm going to be a regular reader x

  23. What a great cake!

  24. One of the things I'm loving is this blog! Beautiful! Love the crochet (I'm a granny striper too) and all the lovely inspiration.
    Thanks for stopping by at mine!

  25. i don't know how i stumbled on your blog today but i am so glad that i did! happy birthday to your little one! i adore the sweet pink bunting in the window and her smile is infectious!

    today i am loving the beautiful sunshine, errands with my husband and dinner and a movie at home tonight.


Thanks for your comments... I love hearing from you!!!