Milk Tablet - PaisleyJade

Milk Tablet

By PaisleyJade - Wednesday, February 02, 2011

I loooooooooooooooooove fudge, and this fudge is seriously dangerous... dangerously delicious.  

I found this recipe here and for once was able to make proper fudge that set perfectly!  I love the fact that this is a favourite Scottish treat... especially since most of my ancestors come from that far away land.

55g (2oz) butter
250ml (8fl.oz) milk
900g (2lb) granulated sugar
397g can Condensed Milk

Butter and base line a 23cm (9") square cake tin.

In a large pan, melt the butter with the milk. Slowly add the sugar and boil briskly for 4 minutes.

Gradually stir in the condensed milk making sure that it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan. Bring back to the boil and boil for approximately 20 minutes, stirring regularly, until the mixture is thick and a honey caramel colour.

Remove the pan from the heat and beat until set.

Pour into the pan and leave to set fully then remove from the tin and cut into squares.

For more delicious recipes, visit here.
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  1. Oh mate! You find the BEST recipes!!! YUM thanks. Ps Just posted about your coasters :-) xx

  2. I almost thought I was going to make fudge then realised I didn't have condensed milk. . . :o(

  3. oh YUM YUM YUM... fudge is my biggest downfall..good thing i am now dairy intolerant (or not!)

  4. Sounds good, and pretty easy too:)

  5. thanks for the recipe! YUM, just in time for Valentines day :)

  6. YUMMM! Now if only I had condensed milk in the cupboard...

  7. Anonymous1:42 pm

    Oh I love fudge too!! I have tried making the chocolate fudge recipe in the trusty Edmonds cookbook many times without success.
    Will give this recipe a try :)

  8. Oh yum! This Scot definitely loves her fudge and her tablet. Reminds me of coffee mornings, church jumble sales and school sales. Homemade tablet was an ESSENTIAL at all of these kinds of events back home in Scotland.

  9. Anonymous4:39 pm

    you are a VERY naughty girl!!

    love and light

  10. Oh dear, that looks too good!
    Thanks so much for stopping by :)

  11. Stop it. Killing me.
    We are doing a church wide Daniel fast and it's day two. The lack is sugar is BITING!!!!! ARGH!!!!!

  12. Just continued the self inflicted torture on the Carnation website....woe is me.
    Have you seen the Blueberry Rocky road????????????????????????

  13. AAAAAAGH! I very nearly licked the screen it looks that good!

    I am an absolute sucker for fudge too as you know :-)

  14. Your blog is so full of so much goodness cuteness & amazingness!!!


  15. Oh my, I'm going to HAVE to try this out. Fudge is one of those things I forget about, but then instantly need to have the second someone brings it up.

    xx Melina
    .but i like it.

  16. Anonymous10:22 pm

    Yum - SO,SO going to make that. Then probably going to eat it all. Perhaps I shouldn't make it.....I'm pretty scottish myself in ancestory. Loved visiting it.

  17. Yummo. I tried making fudge for my Pop for his birthday once and it was a disaster, I think the recipe was too complicated for me (lol). I like the sound of this one though, much easier.:)

  18. Anonymous5:12 pm

    I'm most definitely making this one when I get home!! I love fudge!! Xx Stacey

  19. Well that was dangerous to look at! Too yummy!

  20. Oh my gooooooodness! That looks so delicious. My teeth ache just looking at it.

    I'm getting ready to make your coasters--been looking for some cute little crochet circles, and now here they are! Thanks for posting the pattern, and thank you for visiting my blog. :)


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