Craft nerd in public... - PaisleyJade

Craft nerd in public...

By PaisleyJade - Monday, January 03, 2011

I've finally had a moment to get back into a bit of crochet while out at the park with the family today (hey, that rhymes!).

I decided to get hubby to take a photo of me crocheting a cupcake in public so I could add it to the Craft Nerds Going Public group.  Would you believe that I found some rather interesting snaps of my legs on the camera too when I went to download the photos afterwards!  

Sneaky - reminds me of this.

Guess who else has been super cool with her crafting in public - The South African Kiwi.  Very impressed!

So if you are game enough to craft in public, join along with us here. We are making crafting cool again... well, I hope so anyway.

p.s. my blog has had a tiny facelift for 2011!  Don't forget to update my buttons

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  1. Haha. So impressed you have the energy for craft in this heat! I've just been sleeping the afternoons off!

    I will grab a button soon - need to be more onto it with the button thing!!

  2. ha! Love the sneaky leg shot :)
    I often find random "behind" shots on mine and yesterday even realised one is goosemans screen saver on his cell for when I call!
    and I'm with gail..will change the button when I remember how to do it properly. totally useless at that stuff

  3. i love it!! i always carry some yearn and a crochet hook with me in my purse and work bag, so whenever i have time i pull it out...so im uber public, lol, i've brought it out at work during lunch or break, waiting for friends in front of the movie theater, the library, coffee shops, yup im with ya and just joined the group!!

  4. Anonymous9:22 pm

    Hi Kristy, I love the new look... and I always adore your posts. I'm living half-way around the world now so it makes me feel like I'm getting an injection of kiwiness everytime. Boo always gives me a chuckle. Mark and I miss our dogs desperately and Boo does things that we can relate with them. Thanks! I also posted your button on my blog... You are the first! Happy NY and God bless.

  5. Happy New Year Kristy!!

  6. hehe....too cute!!!! And sneaky is right!!! But sweet too:)

  7. embrace the craft nerd within!! hurrah for you and your band of nerdy bloggers...you totally rock!
    i was stitching in our little shop on sunday so i guess i was nerding it up :)
    happy new year to you and your gorgeous family
    %*_*% rosey

  8. LOVE the new look for your blog! I'll be grabbing a button too, once I understand how that all works...? I'm still a bit of a technology mutant but will work it out ;)
    I need to get a photo of me crafting in public and not just my finished products, I'm always whipping out a knitting/crochet project when on the tube/bus, in cafe's/restaurants, or at the playground.
    Craft Nerds Rock!
    A very Happy New Year to you! xx

  9. I love that you are crafting in public and documenting it. I frequently do, but forget to take the camera or find it hard to craft and take a picture of myself at the same time. I draw the line at walking up to a stranger in the library and saying "can you photograph me stitching please?" Ahh well, maybe I'll be caught on camera at some point in 2011. Happy New Year by the way.

  10. Oh yes, craft in public, i do, especially outside school & in the playground waiting for the children (now they are old enough i don't have to change readers!!) You go girl, crochet away, love Posie

  11. I love your new blog look. The pink on your background is my most favorite color. It is fun to find those sneaky little shots on the camera sometimes, isn't it. Have fun with your crafting. ♥

  12. Anonymous7:48 pm

    Hello there... ^.^ Visiting you here. I hope we could be good friends. Do you mind if we follow each others blogs? Take care. ;)

  13. nice legs! The photographer certainly has an eye for quality.

  14. Awesome leg shot ;) And I love that the photographer himself reads your blog! Thanks for including me...

  15. That warm sun looks delightful! I'm freezing over here in the states! :)Enjoy

  16. tee hee..... I also spy you in a skirt, very pretty!


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