Twinkie Chan Surprise!! - PaisleyJade

Twinkie Chan Surprise!!

By PaisleyJade - Monday, December 06, 2010

I wasn't expecting a birthday present from Symon this year - because of my camera drowning incident in Israel, I was meant to be waiting 10-100 years until I would be able to look forward to birthday presents again.

So, you should have seen my face when "Twinkie Chan's Crochet Goodies for Fashion Foodies" arrived (slightly late) in the mail on Saturday.  I actually did an excited scream and freaked the kids out a bit.

Twinkie Chan is one of my favourite crochet inspirations - she specializes in food items (especially scarves) and other delicious treats.  Seriously, who wouldn't want to wear a bacon & egg scarf to work, or sport a cupcake scarf - or even better, a popcorn scarf to the movies?

Thanks Syms for being the coolest husband and taking notice of those emails I send you with hints of things I love being so in tune with everything I love.

Let me know if you want me to whip up a sushi scarf for you!!  

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  1. yes please!!!!!!!! can't wait to see what you make!

  2. Wow!what a fab book. Looking forward to seeing what you make first. x

  3. Ohhhh I got distracted by the fab crochet by her awesome hair! Love the sweethearts scraf though!

  4. She's AWESOME. I love her too!

  5. OOHHHH they are sooo cool!! I love the Pizza one .. no wait the Avocado .. no wait ahhhh they are ALL so so cool! Makes me want to learn to crochet!!!!

  6. yeah...hhmmm...I dont think Im quite as cool as you or Twinkie to be able to pull off a sushi scarf ;)

  7. haha! I like the "emails with hints" I'm sure the men appreciate that better than us wanting them to mindread!

  8. What a great gift!Although some of those scarves scare me to be honest- the avodado scarf for instance. Why, I don't know! But some of the others are amazing. Can't wait to see what you create!

  9. haha that pizza one is hilarious! Be cool to see what you whip up next :-)

  10. haha they look great!! Im thinking Id be brave enough to wear the watermelon or maybe the cupcake one... not so sure about the avocado one lol..
    very cool gift.

  11. Wow! Amazing book. Can't wait to see what you create from it. Cx

  12. Anonymous2:12 pm

    I am totally in love with the love heart scarf, we had hundreds of packs of them at our wedding and it would just be amazing...there are too many wonderful books out there!

  13. Wow! I love the pizza one! Happy Birthday! :)

  14. AMazinG!!

    Can't wait to see your mades!!

  15. Thank you so much for posting!!! I'm so happy you got a copy of the book! :) :)

    p.s. I think it's funny that people think the avocado scarf is scary! Hehehehheh

  16. I honestly could not choose which one I love the most! They are sooo cute..and totally unique!
    What a really neat gift ;)

  17. Thought you might like this: http://abeautifulmess.typepad.com/my_weblog/2010/12/so-sparkly-crochet-hooks-with-twinkie-chan.html

  18. how uber super-so-yummy-looking-I-could-scarf-it up!!! heehee you're killing me with the cuteness! and way to go mr. hubs!


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