Kiwifruit Marinade - PaisleyJade

Kiwifruit Marinade

By PaisleyJade - Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Summer is on it's way (for us Southern Hemisphere folks that is), and the memories of summer time barbecues are already getting me really excited!

One of my favourite meat marinades is the Edmond's Cookery Book 'Kiwifruit Marinade'. The kiwifruit in this marinade makes it very 'Kiwi' for a New Zealand summer barbecue!

Kiwifruit Marinade

2 kiwifruit, finely chopped
2 teaspoons grated root ginger
1 tablespoon honey
coarsely crushed peppercorns

Combine all ingredients in a bowl.  Mix well.  

Place meat in mixture, stirring to coat.  Cover and leave to marinate for at least 15 minutes, turning occasionally.  

Suitable for steaks and lamb chops. 

Barbecue your meat, and serve with something delicious (like a noodle salad) and enjoy! 

For more delicious recipes visit here.

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  1. I love the way you photograph and display the delicious meals you put together - yummy! You should link this post up with Lou over at Seaside Siblings - she's started a weekly '4 Seasons' linky, celebrating what people are doing in their homes linked to the seasons. BBQ season is here! Yah!!!!!

  2. Thanks Sarah - will pop over there now!

  3. Yum - thanks for sharing. My kids love kiwifruit so definitely worth a try.

  4. Anonymous9:25 pm

    Yummy. Love the look of your noddle salad. Do you use a recipe or simply add whatever you have in the fridge?

  5. What do you do with the marinade? Do you bin it or cook it up and serve it with the meat? Curious. Sounds yum :)

  6. there's something in the acid of the kiwifruit that tenderises the meat apparently ay?
    in Korea they'd add garlic, soy sauce and some sherry to the marinade as well :)


  7. Anonymous - I just add whatever I have handy. Tonight it was tomatoes, cucumber, grated carrot, yellow pepper, olives and a dash of oil and seasoning. Really yum!

    Ana - Usually I discard the excess, but you could try cooking it up!

    Dee - mmmmmmmmm. Sounds delish! Sometimes I do a garlic, soy sauce and chilli sauce marinade!

  8. Yum! Ive never heard of a kiwifruit marinade but definately sounds good. Will have to try it for our next bbq.

  9. Yum! It looks so much like summer on a plate.

  10. Yum! That makes me feel very hungry, looks delish!

    Thanks for linking up :-)

  11. Oh Yum!
    Even though we got a ton of snow last night...I need to try this. Maybe it will bring some sort of summer our way:)))

  12. ohh kiwi--definitely one of my favorite fruits. Your dishes look so yummy!

  13. Anonymous5:36 am

    aohh this looks so delicious! i can't even comprehend that it is summer for you, haha. but i really want to try this this weekend!

  14. Anonymous5:38 am

    yum yum...what time is dinner?

    how are things?

    love and light

  15. Yum! Looks good! :)

  16. I've never heard of a kiwi marinade either. I'm imagining this remade into a salad dressing... yum!

  17. that noodle salad looks delish!

  18. Scrummy meal! I never ever heard of kiwifruit marinade...thanks for sharing.

    Also, did you know your cellphone pouches are featured on today's felt blog? (It's also on the felt page http://www.felt.co.nz/, you just need to scroll down). Congrats!! I was quite excited when I saw it!


  19. My sister gave me the tip that when using kiwifruit in baking (I've never used it in cooking! Must try this summer!) it's much easier to slice in half and spoon out, much the way we do to eat it! Makes life easier!

  20. that looks really good and i love that color nail polish lol :)


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