I ♥ Weekends - PaisleyJade

I ♥ Weekends

By PaisleyJade - Monday, November 22, 2010

Although hubby was away working this weekend, the kids and I had an awesome one together, which included...

Strawberries and cream...

Poppa having fun squirting the hose at his cheeky granddaughter while he was watering the vegetable garden...

Boo being as cute as ever (except when she jumps onto our bed and gets her white hairs all over our black duvet cover)...

Club Penguin card playing...

Potato salad making (recipe coming soon) for a family BBQ at my parents...

Throughout the weekend our hearts have been constantly burdened with the Pike River Mine blast situation. Our prayers are going out for the trapped miners and their families, all the while hoping for a good outcome.

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  1. I was just thinking about your potatoe salad this morning!!! Can hardly contain myself for the recipe!!!

  2. Anonymous1:33 pm

    that potato salad looks yummy PJ
    the weekend looks good
    love the cheeky one getting sprayed by Papa!!! lol
    shes so cute

    keeping all affected by the mining accident in our heart too
    love and light

  3. Looks like a wonderful weekend! Love the hose shot (your dad and my grandfather have the meanest Mos in the world!!) and that gorgeous little Boo-dog of yous!!

  4. cant wait for your potato salad recipe too. Looks like summer is showing its face at your place!
    The Pike River miners are heavy on my heart too.

  5. Hehe! The mister worked for Club Penguin for years!

    Looks like you guys had a great weekend!

    Talia Christine

  6. Yum - great looking potato salad! And I love that it is finally strawberry season. They are my favourite summer fruit.
    Miners are also in our prayers.

  7. Looks like a wonderful weekend...and one super cute dog!
    Have a wonderful new week:)

  8. Yes love the hose shot! Really cute. Sounds like a great weekend!

  9. Great pics :) Your dog is sooo cute <3

    Have a nice start for the week,

    xo, Mel


  10. Anonymous10:05 pm

    The Miners situation is heart breaking, I am always thinking of them lately.
    I just love your photos and that cheeky pup looks like she has just tucked into something she shouldn't have!!!

  11. OOOOOooooo LOVING weekends full of family fun with the grandparents! Your photo of granddad spraying his granddaughter is PRICELESS! And I agree with Gail, that is one wicked Mo! :)

  12. looks like a nice weekend

    I LOVE Potato salad

  13. I love your doggy, we have had all sorts of dogs over the years but I think our Molly is the cutest! It looks like our weekends were very similuar with dogs, water, salads and prayers for the Pike Creek families!

  14. Lovely blog - I just found you via Faith Hope...Love :)

    Ditto the potato salad praise above. Now I'm off to checkout your extensive list of homemade creations...better make another tea ..

  15. just love your blog... the pictures of BBQ and summer made me miss my home country, Brazil, as we are about to enter winter here in the US.

  16. I love how you captured that moment with Poppa and your wee one.

    Can't wait for the recipe! Looking forward to yummy cold salads in Summer ;)


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