You know you want to... - PaisleyJade

You know you want to...

By PaisleyJade - Friday, September 10, 2010

You know you want to... become a craft nerd.  

Check out all these crafty people who have been game enough to craft in public (these photos and more on Craft Nerds Going Public!).  Some of the photos really crack me up (is that phrase used outside of New Zealand?) - especially the 'World Wide Knit in Public Day' ones.

Any guy who knits or crochets in public rocks (like Howie Woo and Andrew Burton)...

Crochet in the car...

Knitting in public...

Thanks to everyone for adding your photos!!  To add your crafting in public photos, click here!

Also, please share any ideas of public places you want to see me crochet in... I'm game (well, 99% game). 

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  1. Love this!! I'm thinking we should see you with your hook and yarn at the park, or maybe in front of a fountain...

    Or you could use my daughter's suggestions... standing in line at the fairgrounds, or in the patio furniture section of the department store!! LOL

  2. In church, front row, while Simon is speaking please. (would he mind?)

  3. Loving it!!!
    I am going to get my daughter to photograph me making yo yos in public this weekend (another little portable craft - hehe).
    Love the suggestions of where you should craft... have you done the cafe crafting yet?

  4. Yay Leonie - can't wait to see your pics!!!

    Yes, I did my cafe crafting here... http://www.paisleyjade.com/2010/09/things-im-loving.html

  5. oooh - erm crochet in the school playground? knitting on the park swings? As you're waiting in Macca's? In govt offices if you have any waiting to do? At the DVLA/RTA? At the doctors/dentists/opticians? Oooh the fun you could have with those glasses!! At the kids games? On the beach? The possibilities are endless!!

  6. Anonymous7:33 pm

    you guys are such a bunch of nerds!!!!!!!

    loven' this
    it is not a club I belong to but I will live vicariously through this blog...
    pr loved your last post too.
    man your girls are the cutest!

    love and light

  7. this is hilarious!!! love the guy chrocheting! He is awesome!!

  8. You could creat (dare I suggest it...) a FaceBook page!

  9. arggghhhh!!! Typo!!! *runs away in horror*


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