
By PaisleyJade - Friday, August 27, 2010

Current 'makings' consist of more 'big flower beanies' - these black and cream ones made for a special lady, as well as this very cute flower crochet scarf.

Ooooooh - and if you are into crochet, you might want to check out iCrochet - the best place to be inspired and share your crochet creations (thanks to Sarah London).

I ♥ crochet!

p.s. a friend of ours was at a conference recently and spotted a guy crocheting while his wife was sitting next to him taking notes - crack me up! 

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  1. Lovely.... especially love you modeling your own creations..... perfect!

  2. I REALLY LOVE the big flower ones. I will start saving :)

  3. i love your flower beanie, it's really sweet.

  4. Ellymay10:03 pm

    I can't imagine the man in your life picking up a crochet needle,mind you it may become one of his whims!!

  5. Great hat and flowers.

  6. Oh wow, thanks for the iCrochet link! That page is absolutely dripping with inspiration... I see a few of your creations on there! :o)

  7. HAHA love that guy crocheting in public! And his wife for letting him!

  8. Anonymous10:50 am

    I am saving for one or two of my own friend!!!
    Your work is GORGEOUS!!!!

  9. Cute beanie, gorgeous girl wearing it!! :)

  10. Gorgeous! How fortunate to have secured the services of a supermodel for the photoshoot....congratulations:) Meredy xo.

  11. Anonymous12:25 pm

    One of my co-workers crochets - my 20 year old MALE co-worker!! I kinda stood there staring at him till he explained that his Grandma forced him to learn, telling him "You're gonna need to know someday!"

  12. Very cute and you're the perfect model!

  13. They look great - Love the colours:)

    A friend saw a man knitting the other day and stopped to speak to him. He was knitting a dress for his wife - what a gem:)


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