Shop Update - PaisleyJade

Shop Update

By PaisleyJade - Monday, June 14, 2010

I was super happy this morning to see the latest post of the stunning FaerySarah (of BobbyRobin) in her new slouch beanie I made.  So glad it looks fab on you Sarah!  Sarah is also the genius behind kiwi mummy blogs and was interviewed recently (here) at Li'l Magoolie!  I love her weekly creations and guest blogger Aunty Debra's posts as well.

So here's a little showcase of what's in my felt shop... click here to see more.

p.s. If you don't live in New Zealand, go here to check out your currency converted.


Have a great week everyone!!

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  1. I love mine too! Will post a pic soon. I might need to get another one. You know, just because. Little miss is asking for one too!!

  2. woohoo!
    *begs* kids size please??
    ...man, i seriously need to hook myself up with a credit card....

  3. Gorgeous, you clever girl!!

  4. You have the cutest things!! I love those little donuts!

  5. I love your shop. You make such great things!

  6. Anonymous1:52 pm

    yes would like to get my hot little hands on a couple of those myself...looking good!

  7. just waiting for silly pay pal to send me its confirmation code so i can send my order through! love them!


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