Birthday Boy... - PaisleyJade

Birthday Boy...

By PaisleyJade - Saturday, June 05, 2010

Happy Birthday to my dearest.

I hope you felt extra special this morning when you were awoken at 6:15am by a boisterous 3 year old announcing that you needed to open your 'meat sticks' that she had carefully wrapped for you.  I'm sorry that she then went on to 'help' you eat most of your birthday goodies.  

I know you loved all the bits of paper with special scribbles on, your breakfast in bed, and Barney the cat's warm breath on your face as he stood over you in bed giving you your morning 'hello'.

You are a much loved person by so many people which shows me how special and appreciated you are. 

To the best husband and friend a wife could ever dream of, the greatest Dad, an amazing youth pastor and friend to many...


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  1. Happy Birthday Mr Paisley jade!! :)

  2. Meat sticks = beer sticks...like thin hot salami sticks. Soooo yum!! http://www.bratwurstgrill.co.nz/product/8/Smoked-Beer-Sticks

  3. happy birthday wishes to mr. paisley jade! God bless!

  4. Happy Birthday to Mr PJ:)

  5. Happy Birthday to your man

    is bratwurst anything like beef jerky if so you can make it easily at home
    we have before in the past
    i can give you the internet addy we used if you want

  6. Happy Birthday Mr Drake! Ha ha sounds like you had a great start to the day!

  7. The meat sticks had me crackin up. Sounds like a good day over all. Happy b-day.

  8. P.S. I'm a new follower.


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