Candlewick memories

By PaisleyJade - Monday, June 21, 2010

While picking up some more wool today (one of my favourite things to do - and one of my husbands worst nightmares), I discovered some candlewick fabric... and had a flashback into my childhood.

If you grew up in the 70's and 80's like me, I am sure you would have had a candlewick bedspread... they were all the rage!  I even remember my parents double bed, sporting a bright orange candlewick bedspread - very, very cool.

Alas, candlewick fashion came and went (no offense to those of you who still have a dearly loved candlewick cover on your bed), but the memories stay strong, especially the memories of bits of fluff everywhere.

So, I just had to buy some of this retro fabric... and can foresee some snuggly "Candlewick Softies" coming very soon. 

Feel free to share your candlewick memories... 

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  1. I have a candlewick bedspread I inherited from my Nana. Sam hates it because it is so heavy, I love it! so snuggly and I love the feel.

  2. My memories include picking bits out of it one by one and creating rows or patterns with the holes. Good times.

  3. I think candlewick is such a great fabric for repurposing! I look forward to seeing what you make!

  4. picking up yarn is one of my favorites things, too.
    Have a great week!

  5. Oh my! A candlewick softie!!! Sounds so fabulous!

  6. There are still a couple of white candlewick striped bedspreads at my family's bach... so classic! I like the colours you found... making softies out of it is a great idea!

  7. Anonymous8:07 am

    I have tagged you in a meme!

  8. Anonymous10:44 am

    your picture makes me crack up as you look slightly like an addict!!!....a yard addict that is!

    that fabric is going to make lovely stofies
    unfortunately no stories to tell : (

  9. oooh yes, had those at school (I went to a boarding school!)

  10. Love the stuff. Need to go and buy some!!

  11. My mum had an organge one on her bed too!
    I never seem to find good condition ones at the op shop any more.

  12. OMGoodness!! Very very fond childhood memories of an orange candlewick blanket! Oh how I wish I still had it!

  13. Come ON - you mean no one else ever pulled out the little bits...EVER? I can't believe this is so.

  14. Yeah I think I used to pull out the bits. My parents had a bright orange one and when they made the bed we used to play "peter peter pumpkin eater, had a wife and couldn't keep her..." and hide underneath it. I recently found an old one and made our picnic blanket with it.

  15. I just found in a fashion magazine a couture jacket with a candlewicked collar and cuffs! freaky cool! im gunna teach myself to do it!

  16. we are the supplier of Candlewick products. we are selling to major UK brands. if you have any bulk order you may write to us.


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