Beanies Galore - PaisleyJade

Beanies Galore

By PaisleyJade - Tuesday, June 08, 2010

You can always tell when we've been driving around  in the car too much, because I get heaps of time to crochet while sitting in the passenger seat.

The problem is that I still haven't quite recovered from my crochet persecution incident last year, so when I am crocheting in the car, I find myself constantly hiding what I'm doing from 'outsiders', for fear of their embarrassing stares, pointing fingers and silent sniggers.

Can you believe that crochet persecution still goes on in this day and age! ;)

These are the latest 'secret car crochet' makings... in the shop here.

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  1. I love the colours you use for your beanies! They look GREAT. So, I just read your 'crochet persecution' post - who are these people!?! You know they are obviously just envious of your talent and skill. Crocheting is cool! :o) It may have once been a Nana thing but hey, it's back, oh is it back!!! :o) Have to say I wouldn't be able to crochet in the car though... I'd get car sick! :o)

  2. These people must be jealous!!! Your crocheted hats are wonderful. You look really good in this style of hat!

  3. they're all wunderful but i really love the red one!

  4. i hope mine arrives tomorrow!!!!!

  5. Be proud..... crochet loud!!!!
    Love em

  6. i am dying to learn to crochet!! i have started knitting and was a bit shamed as im 29 but now all my mates want me to teach them after seeing what ive made. id get carsick otherwise id knit in the car too!

  7. I just wanted to say thank you to you for sharing your love of crochet. I learnt to make granny squares when i was much younger but hadn't picked up a hook for at least 16 years. After seeing your posts about Amigurumi a while back I was interested in giving it a go and last week finally bought myself a book. I am now totally hooked and slowly filling the house with crochet critters (much to my husbands amusement!).

    so thank you again for sharing your love of crochet and pointing me to a brand new and fun hobby :)

  8. I want. hope theres still some left by pay day!! are you planning on making more?

  9. Anonymous4:22 am

    I absolutely LOVE these!

  10. mine arrived and I'm officially in love. who needs a husband when I have my beanie!

  11. Hi,
    new visitor here, I cant believe your 'crochet persecution incident' How traumatic! But glad to see you didnt let it stop you.

  12. I've just spotted your beanie post and am totally besotted with the green one at the top! I have been searching and searching for a pattern to make a looser beanie and yours is perfect. Love it.


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