Party Time!!! - PaisleyJade

Party Time!!!

By PaisleyJade - Sunday, May 09, 2010

What do you get when Mother's Day and a birthday collide?  You get the most awesome family-packed-party day ever.

Somehow Miss 6's "non-party" year ended up being rather fabulous... including two family get-together's (with special aunties, cousins and grandparents) with birthday presents galore and 2 birthday cakes!

Rather spoilt if you ask me (but also rather caring letting her little sister help blow out the candles).

So Happy Mother's Day to all the awesome Mum's out there - and even to you women who aren't mothers, I love to honour you on Mother's Day too, because all women have that amazing gift of bringing that caring, mothering touch to everyones lives when it is needed.

Mum Drake (my mother-in-law), thank you for being such a wonderful Mum and Grandmother to us all.  You are such a neat lady and I am always inspired by your cooking/baking, singing, faith, thoughtfulness and caring heart (not to forget that you still enjoy jumping on the trampoline with your grandkids and running around the house playing chasey).  Check out her delicious trifle below...

And to my Mum, you are such a special mother and friend.  You are always there to laugh with (we seem to do a bit too much of that at times), talk to and always ready to lend a hand.  Your strong faith in Jesus has inspired me from a young age, your heart for the hurting has taught me to care for others and your wisdom has been invaluable.  Love you lots.

And Happy Birthday to my precious May.  Six years old and going on sixteen - argh!  Love you so much!!!

p.s. I will post pics of her Littlest Petshop Pool Party Cake tomorrow (made by her very clever Dad).

p.p.s. I think I ate too much cake.

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  1. Looks like a lovely day.
    Can't wait to see the cake pics.
    That flower one looks very pretty too!
    I'm trying to figure our how the sprinkles got stuck onto what I'm guessing are 1/2 marshmallows?? They look so wonderful.
    Happy B'day May and Happy Mothers Day Amazing Kristy.

  2. Happy Mother's Day to you too :)

    lovely food served at your daughters birthday
    happy 6th birthday to her

  3. happy birthday Miss 6 & happy mothers day to you aswell.
    looks like a fab day with lots of smiles & sprinkles everywhere

  4. Happy Birthday Mayah!!!! Love all the photos!!! Happy Mothers day too, to my inspiring friend and mother of 4 beautiful children! xx

  5. What a pretty cake...cute name: 'Miss Maymay'...and stunning head of hair!!

  6. Yummy on the cake front! I love those pool cakes!!

    Glad you had a wonderful combined day!!

  7. What a yummy day! : )
    I'm looking forward to that cake made by Dad!
    Wow, you are blessed with two amazing Mothers!

    And you are quite an amazing Mum yourself!
    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  8. P.S. Happy Birthday to sweet Maya!! She looks like such a darling!


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