Special Memories...

By PaisleyJade - Monday, April 05, 2010

Today we spend the afternoon with my amazing parents-in-law.

While the guys (Symon and his Dad) set up satellite tv, Mum Drake made an amazing dinner, ran around the house with the kids and fed the ducks with the girls.  Phew - I was tired just watching.

I love seeing precious memories being made with the kids and their grandparents... little things like making salad's together, feeding ducks by hand and exploring outside are priceless moments.  Moments that I know our kids will always remember.

I can't wait to be a grandma one day... minus the running around the house part ;)

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  1. beautiful post & pics!
    they are definitely great memories that will be treasured by all.

  2. Anonymous10:02 pm

    I am so with you on the grandparent dream...I think it is going to be great!

  3. OK, I don't know about the CAN'T WAIT side of grandparenting... just look forward to that season.... in NO rush for it to happen though! :) I'm aging just thinking about it!

    It will be a blessing!

  4. aww, such sweet memories your kids will have! sounds like a fun time. happy monday!

  5. bless them how precious

  6. Beautiful!! You are right... isnt being a grandparent going to be wonderful? :)

  7. it reminds me of my grandma... oh I miss her so much...
    I can't wait to go to Brazil to visit my family.
    Have a great week!

  8. I LOVE seeing the kids hanging out with their grandparents too. I was actually thinking the other day that it WILL be cool to be a grandy; but I'm in no hurry.

  9. After all that chocolate exuberance that looks like one fab salad! And I'm very help to bide my time on the grandparent thing but have been taking notes for some time...

  10. Ellymay9:38 pm

    Making memories is such fun, and being a grandparent is such a priviledge and blessing, we love them heaps and heaps.


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