Tin can candle... - PaisleyJade

Tin can candle...

By PaisleyJade - Thursday, February 04, 2010

Look at what my clever guy made - a tin can candle!

It all started when a beautiful candle his parents gave me that was sitting on my window sill started morphing into strange shapes (looking alot like Jabba the Hutt) thanks to the sun. 

I mentioned to him a couple of times that I was sad about my candle getting wrecked and then suddenly one day I found him stirring something in a pot on the stove. That is not a normal thing to see in our house (a guy standing at the stove).  He sheepishly told me that it was my special candle.

To cut a long story short, after much drama (including two nasty cuts from the tin can, trouble actually getting the candle out of the tin can, his son tipping some of the wax onto the lawn etc) my lovely guy presented me with this really cool candle - he even took the time to decorate it.

True love is making your wife candles (but not surfboard wax). 

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  1. WOW not only is that super sweet, it looks really really funky! don't put it on the window sill!

  2. awww bless him

  3. That is so sweet and thoughtful. It came out really well too. x

  4. your guy is so crafty too. I love the candle. it's beautiful!

  5. awwww, so very sweet!
    enjoy your crafty, sweet man

  6. He did a great job!! :)

  7. Anonymous2:30 am

    that a good guy you have there PJ!!!

  8. what a cute candle and what a great hubby!

  9. Go Symz... That would earn 10 points in my books haha :P

  10. Wow! That is VERY VERY cool. And what a great thought wonderful hubby you have to (a) think of it and (b) pull it off so WELL. It looks amazing.

  11. I would have a heart attack if that happened at my house.

  12. I haven't done that since we were at Kids Kamp when I was growing up! Too much fun!! We used to get all the old candles in the house, dump them in a pot, melt them, let them cool slightly then dip our fingers in them. We'd build them up to be quite thick, flattening the ends on a hard surface so they'd stand up by themselves, pull our fingers out, stick a thread in, fill 'em up and hey presto - finger candles!

  13. Sooo terribly SWEET and thoughtful of him!


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