Things I'm Loving... - PaisleyJade

Things I'm Loving...

By PaisleyJade - Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Here are a few of the things I am loving at the moment...

Finding these two hanging out together on a lazy Sunday afternoon...

Special packages arriving in the mail...

A cute little something from a special friend.

Christmas goodies all the way from another friend Abigail in Canada.

This very cool and unique jewellery creation from Annie Blackberry that I swapped for a softie!!

Making a flag just because Miss 2 wanted a flag...

My amazing husband who has been renovating our house on his days off for the last few months... check out his Uncle Rico pose!

I am also loving the fact that our kids finish school this Thursday!!!  Woohoooooooo!

What things are you loving at the moment?

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  1. Wow they finish this Thursday? Awesome! You must get the longest christmas break ever!!

    I heart loving things :)

    (expecially your new necklace!)

  2. wow your letter box has been filled with so many cool things!! love the necklace!!

  3. Your husband ROCKS

  4. Loving you things too! How cool is all that mail! And those extra long holidays!

  5. Awwww, I love that Picture of your hubby and wee girl. Classic. And... what the!!?? Christmas school holidays ALREADY?? how come so early???? I think ours finish on the 18th??xx

  6. I love that little bunny!

  7. What a sweet picture of your daughter holding that flag and also a sweet post. :)

  8. I love that flag you made!

    Hubby isn't half shy is he. Smile.


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